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FULL PACKET_2008-06-02
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FULL PACKET_2008-06-02
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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />~`;~, <br />`~ <br /> <br />w <br />w <br />planning, SCAG has prepared the Regional Comprehensive Plan and Guide (RCPG), which <br />includes Growth Management and Regional Mobility chapters that form the basis for the land <br />use and transportation control portions of the AQMP, and are utilized in the preparation of the <br />air quality forecasts and consistency analysis included in the AQMP. Both the RCPG and <br />AQMP are based, in part, on projections originating with County and City general plans. <br />Since the proposed SEZ would not result in any direct changes to existing land use <br />designation or density allotments of any community plan, pursuant to SCAQMD guidelines, it <br />is considered consistent with the region's AQMP. As such, the proposed SEZ would not <br />conflict with or obstruct implementation of the AQMP. Therefore, no impact would occur. <br />B. Less-Than-Significant Impact. As discussed above, the project site is located within the <br />Basin. State and federal air quality standards are often exceeded in many parts of the Basin. <br />The proposed SEZ does not include any specific construction, renovation, or demolition <br />projects. It is a business incentive program to provide financial incentives for businesses to <br />locate within Santa Ana. Any emissions generated by individual projects that may occur as <br />an indirect result of the SEZ business incentives are unknown and speculative at this time. <br />With the passage of AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, California is faced <br />with reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,' and impacts related to the generation of <br />GHG emissions are being addressed as part of the CEQA process. Automobiles have been <br />identified as the greatest source of GHG emissions, and the quantity of GHG emissions from <br />automobiles is directly correlated with the amount of vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Because <br />automobiles are the largest contributor to carbon dioxide (COZ) emissions, it can be deduced <br />that if a project does not result in an increase of daily trips or VMT, that the project would not <br />result in an increase of GHG emissions. The proposed project would not directly generate <br />any increase of daily trips or VMT because it would not result in any specific demolition, <br />construction, land acquisition, or other development activities. The proposed SEZ is a <br />financial program to promote business development in Santa Ana and does not include <br />specific construction, development, demolition, or remodeling projects. Furthermore, any <br />specific project that indirectly results from the SEZ's business incentives would be evaluated <br />on a case-by-case basis using CEQA and undergo the development and review process of <br />the City. Therefore, the proposed project has less-than-significant impacts regarding green <br />house gases and no further study is needed. <br />C. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The proposed SEZ would not result in any specific <br />construction project, land acquisition project, or other development project. Individual <br />projects that could occur as an indirect result of SEZ business incentives would be evaluated <br />on a case-by-case basis under CEQA during the City's development and review process. <br />Any direct or indirect impacts of the projects that may indirectly because of the SEZ <br />incentives would be evaluated at that time and any necessary mitigation measures would be <br />incorporated at that time. Therefore, impacts of the proposed SEZ are considered less than <br />significant. <br />D. Less-Than-Significant Impact. Sensitive receptors that could be impacted by the project <br />consist of people that are susceptible to health effects, such as respiratory disease, from <br />activities around them. Sensitive receptors are typically found at schools, hospitals, senior <br />care facilities, and residences. The proposed SEZ would not result in any specific <br />construction project, land acquisition project, or other development project. Any direct or <br />~ Greenhouse gases related to human activity include: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, tetrafluoromethane, <br />hexafluoroethane, sulfur hexafluoride, HFC-23, HFC-134a, and HFC-152a. <br />Santa Ana State Enterprise Zone November 2007 <br />Initial Study 3-17 <br />J8S 00814.07 <br />19E-31 <br />
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