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FULL PACKET_2008-06-02
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FULL PACKET_2008-06-02
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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />designed to attract new business and retain existing businesses and jobs in the most <br />economically distressed areas of the city. It does not include specific development projects. <br />Any specific development project, demolition project, land acquisition project, or other <br />development project that indirectly arise from the implementation of the SEZ would occur in <br />accordance with accepted engineering practices and best management practices for the <br />control of erosion, as well as building and safety standards as specified by the City Building <br />Division. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. <br />C. No Impact. The project area is largely urban and previously developed. The general plan <br />(1982) does not specify any unique geologic or physical feature(s) within the city to be <br />preserved. Therefore, no impact would occur. <br />D. Less-Than-Significant Impact. Subsidence, swelling, and ground settlement are generally <br />due to the withdrawals of fluids such as oil or water from the earth. Soils in portions of the <br />city along the Santa Ana River may be subject to settling since these areas contain <br />unconsolidated and recent alluvium (City of Santa Ana 1998:A-40). Any specific construction <br />project, demolition project, land acquisition project, or other development project that <br />indirectly arise from the implementation of the financial mechanisms of the SEZ would occur <br />in accordance with building and safety standards as specified by the City Building Division. <br />These standards inherently provide for measures to reduce the potential impacts of unstable <br />soil and subsidence to structures. In addition, it is likely geotechnical studies would be <br />required and prepared for most construction activities within the city. These studies would <br />provide a more site-specific evaluation of the area and certain design measures for site <br />preparation, excavation, grading, and construction. This evaluation and proposed design <br />measures would also reduce any potential impacts related to unstable soil and subsidence. <br />Therefore, potential impacts would be less than significant. <br />E. No Impact. Sewer access is available throughout the project area. No septic tanks or <br />alternative wastewater disposal systems would be included as part of the proposed project. <br />Additionally, Santa Ana is a fully developed city with a full wastewater infrastructure system <br />and any projects that indirectly arise from the implementation of the proposed project would <br />likely use the existing wastewater infrastructure system. No impact would occur. <br />VII. Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />A. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The proposed project would not result in any specific <br />demolition project, construction project, land acquisition project, or other development <br />project; therefore, the proposed project does not have the capability of creating a significant <br />hazard to the public or the environment since it would not routinely transport, use, or dispose <br />of hazardous materials. Due to past and current practices, certain locations within the <br />proposed SEZ are identified as potential sources of environmental hazards. Generally, areas <br />identified as potential sources of contamination would be evaluated for their potential to <br />impact human health and the environment in Phase land/or Phase II environmental site <br />assessments. These would be required as part of the City development review process and <br />the evaluation of potential impacts from hazards or sources of contamination. Additionally, <br />depending on the age of structures within the SEZ, it is possible that asbestos, lead-based <br />paint, and polychlorinated bipheynals (PCBs) could be disturbed during any <br />renovation/demolition activities associated with individual projects indirectly occurring as a <br />result of the SEZ business incentives. These types of impacts would need to be addressed <br />on a case-by-case basis under CEQA during the City's development and review process. At <br />Santa Ana State Enterprise Zone November 2007 <br />Initial Study 3.22 <br />J&S 00814.07 <br />19E-36 <br />
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