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FULL PACKET_2008-06-02
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FULL PACKET_2008-06-02
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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />Act. However, the city does contain several drainage facilities that convey surface water <br />runoff into bodies of water that are classified as impaired. <br />The proposed SEZ does not propose any specific construction, renovation, or demolition <br />projects. Any future development occurring as an indirect result of the SEZ would be <br />required to go through the City's development review process, and would be evaluated for <br />potential impacts to water quality under CEQA. Where needed, mitigation measures using <br />the above referenced regulations would be required to avoid or minimize potential water <br />quality impacts caused by any individual project occurring as an indirect result of the <br />proposed SEZ. Therefore, impacts of the proposed SEZ to water quality are considered less <br />than significant. <br />B. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The SEZ .does not propose any specific construction, <br />renovation, or demolition projects, yet potential groundwater impacts could occur from <br />development as an indirect result of the SEZ business incentives. Therefore, any future <br />development occurring as an indirect result of the SEZ would be required to go through the <br />City's development review process, and would be evaluated for its potential impacts to <br />groundwater supplies or groundwater recharge. Currently, the city receives 64% of its water <br />from groundwater wells; this percentage is regulated by the Orange County Water District's <br />allowable basin pumping percentage (City of Santa Ana 2005:2-3). This amount can be <br />adjusted as needed based on groundwater basin hydrologic conditions (City of Santa Ana <br />2005:2-4). Therefore, the potential of the SEZ to indirectly result in activities that would <br />substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater <br />recharge is considered to be less than significant. <br />C. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The proposed SEZ covers an area of existing intense urban <br />development. Runoff from existing and future developed areas would continue to be <br />conveyed via manmade drainage s#ructures, and ultimately drain to the Santa Ana River and <br />the Pacific Ocean. Any future development occurring as an indirect result of the proposed <br />SEZ financial incentives would be required to go through the City's development review <br />process. Any future individual project would be evaluated for any increase in the rate and <br />flow of water runoff and/or increase in polluted runoff under CEQA. Where needed, <br />mitigation measures would be required to avoid or minimize potential impacts caused by any <br />individual project occurring as an indirect result of the proposed SEZ at the time of the <br />project's review. Therefore, impacts of the proposed SEZ to water quality are considered <br />less than significant. <br />D. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The proposed SEZ covers an area of intense urban <br />development. Runoff from developed areas would continue to be conveyed via manmade <br />drainage structures, ultimately draining to the Santa Ana River. Given the intense existing <br />urban development within the proposed SEZ, it is not likely that the proposed SEZ <br />designation would substantially alter drainage patterns or cause substantial offsite erosion <br />due to induced development and growth as a result of SEZ business incentives. <br />Furthermore, any future individual project indirectly resulting from the proposed SEZ financial <br />incentives would be evaluated under CEQA during the City's development and review <br />process. At this time impacts would be evaluated related to changes in drainage and erosion <br />and mitigation measures would be proposed. Thus, the proposed SEZ would have less-than- <br />significant impacts. <br />E. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The entire proposed project area is within the City of Santa <br />Ana. It is located within the 100-year floodplain and the 500-year floodplain (City of Santa <br />Santa Ana State Enterprise Zone November 2007 <br />Initial Study 3-24 <br />J8S 00814.07 <br />19E-38 <br />
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