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INSURANCE ON ~~~-= <br />WORK MAY PR(Y:,1:1=D <br />UNTIL INSURANC:: EXPIRES <br />CLERK QF ~,QU1~Cl~ 2Q08 <br />'1nTGā€¢ JU1`~ <br />FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT <br />A-2008-046 <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is entered into on March 3, 2008, by <br />and between Siemens Building Technologies, Inc., a California corporation ("Contractor") and <br />the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation of the State of California ("City") <br />RECITALS: <br />A. The parties entered into Agreement # A-2006-330, dated December 18, 2006, (hereina8er <br />"said Agreement") by which Consultant has provided repair and maintenance of fire alarm <br />systems in the Police Department Administration and Jail Facilities. <br />B. In accordance with the terms and conditions of said Agreement, and the intentions of the <br />parties, the parties wish to renew the agreement for an additional one year term and increase <br />compensation to pay for services during the extended term. <br />WHEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained in said Agreement, and subject to all <br />the terms and conditions of said Agreement, except those amended in this First Amendment to <br />Agreement, the parties agree as follows: <br />I . Section 2, COMPENSATION, shall be amended to increase compensation by $32,960.00 to <br />pay for services during the extended term. <br />2. Section 3, TERM, shall be amended to extend the termination date to December 31, 2008. <br />3. Except as hereinabove amended, all terms and conditions of said Agreement shall remain in <br />full force and effect. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this First Amendment to Agreement <br />on the date and year first written above. <br />PATRICIA £: HEAL <br />Clerk of ~the'Council <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />JOSEPH W.FLETCHER <br />City Attorney <br />By <br />L Sheedy <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />DAVID N. RE <br />City Manager <br />SIEMENS BUILDING <br />TECHNOLOGIES, INC. <br />~AcGD ,\)~1~~1'~ <br />(NAME {~ ,~/~ U <br />(Title) '~2.rGcJ~`~' ,' l~~ <br />~~c' `,tom`'` ~~j~ ~ ~Io ~ <br />~ ~ <br />