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MMC 10/3/2008 2:45:58 PM PAGE 6/006 Eastern Time Zone <br />GERLING AMERICA INSURANCE COMPANY <br />MANUSCRIPT ENDORSEMENT ~ 35 <br />Policy Number Named insured <br />GLD1 f l pf-00 SIEMENS COi4PORA770N <br />Pdicy Period: Inceptbn (M-D-1n Expiration (M-D-Yy Effecllve Date and <br />Time of Endorsement <br />10-01-08 10-0i-09 10-01-08 12:01 a.m. Standard Time <br />at Address of the Insured. <br />This Endorrsevne-rf Change~a The Policy. Plees~e Read h t~areful/y. <br />BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED <br />~ This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />Commercial General LiatHlity Co~rerage Dorm <br />Who is an Insured is amended to ~tdude as an insured arty person whom you are required to add as an additional <br />insured on this policy under a written agreement. The insurance coverage provided to such additional insured applies <br />i only to the extent required within the written agneement. <br />The insureno overage provided to the additional insured person shall not provide arty broader coverage than you <br />are required td provide th the additional insured person in the written agreement and shall not provide limits of <br />insurance that exceed the Icower of the Limit of Insurance provided in you in this policy, or the limits ~ insurance you <br />are required to provide in the written agreement <br />The insurance provided th the additional insured by this endorsement is excess over any valid and olledible other <br />insurance, whether prvnary, excess, ontingent; or on arty other basis, that s available th the additional insured for a <br />loss we cover under this endorsement However, if the written agreement specifically nequirea that this ~rsuranoe <br />apply on a primary basis, this insurance is primary. If the written agreement apeciitlcally r+equlr+es this insurance apply <br />on a primary and non-ontributory basis this insurance k primary to other insurance available to the additional insured <br />and we will not share with that other insurance. <br />This endorsement shall prevail over additlonal insured endorsemerrts that may apply under this policy unless required <br />otherwise in the wrltten agreement <br /> <br />All terms and conditions of the poAcy remain unchanged. <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT MUST BE ATTACHED TO A CHANGE ENDORSEMENT WHEN ISSUED AFTER THE POLI[ <br />! WRITTEN. <br />Peg <br />