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FULL PACKET_2008-07-07
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FULL PACKET_2008-07-07
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1/3/2012 4:29:45 PM
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7/2/2008 12:55:53 PM
City Clerk
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AA and Contract Amendments <br />July 7, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />7. Authorize the City Manager and the Clerk of the Council to execute <br />the attached third amendment to the agreement with ACCO Engineered <br />Systems, Inc. in the amount of $20, 000 to provide HVAC work at the <br />McFadden learning center, subject to non-substantive changes <br />approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The City of Santa Ana has received a congressional grant awarded through <br />the FY 2001 U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) <br />Appropriations Act in the amount of $249,500 to establish dual high- <br />technology centers at the City's W/0/R/K Center/One Stop Career Center <br />and the Santa Ana Police Athletic and Activity League (SAPAAL) after- <br />school facility. Both of these programs will invest in the future of <br />Santa Ana by providing educational services for our youth and young <br />adults. The grant requires that all funds be disbursed prior to <br />September 26, 2008. <br />The W/0/R/K Center currently serves approximately 6,000 job seekers on a <br />yearly basis, many of whom lack computer literacy. Grant funds will be <br />used to design and make improvements to the existing computer lab, to <br />install computer access lines and electrical outlets, cabling, carpet, <br />and high technology equipment. The high-technology center will provide a <br />computer lab with special computer tutorial classes, one-on-one tutoring, <br />as well as small group computer classes for various competency levels. <br />The targeted group will include youth 14-21 years of age who are both in <br />and out of school, adults, and dislocated workers who are in need of <br />basic and advanced computer training. The lab will also provide <br />workshops on Internet job search and how to post resumes in an effort to <br />provide high quality employees to businesses within the community which <br />will serve and encourage economic growth. <br />The SAPAAL is a crime prevention program that employs educational, <br />athletic, and recreational activities to create trust and understanding <br />between youth and law enforcement. The high-technology education center <br />will use the grant funds to make improvements to the existing facility <br />and to establish twenty-five computer stations for tutoring and computer <br />training. <br />The Santa Ana Ordinance No. NS-2312 authorizes the City to purchase <br />against contracts from any public agency utilizing a competitive bid <br />process. The Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) establishes <br />California Multi-State Cooperative Agreements for Commodities, IT Goods & <br />20A-2 <br />
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