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5. COST OVERRUNS (HMGP Only) <br />Cost over-runs can be considered if available funding exists in the HMGP for the declared disaster. Cost over-runs <br />under ten (10} percent of the approved activity cost are allowed when offset by cost under-runs on other activities, as <br />determined by OES. Cost over-runs exceeding ten (l0) percent of the approved activity cost require OES to submit <br />the request with a recommendation to the FEMA Regional Director for review and final determination. <br />Cost over-runs will be indicated by quarterly progress reports and may be verified by activity inspection. All cost <br />over-runs must be requested before expenditure of costs in excess of the total approved activity costs and the request <br />must be signed by the applicant's designated authorized agent. Costs in excess of total approved activity costs <br />expended before approval of cost over-runs will not be considered eligible HMGP expenditures. All cost over-runs <br />must be justified by the subgrantee and supported by a benefit-cost analysis prepared using the FEMA benefit-cost <br />models. Unjustified over-runs will be denied by OES. <br />There is no guarantee that HMGP funds will be available to cover cost over-runs. <br />6. SCOPE OF WORK CHANGES: Any requests for changes to the approved scope of work must be consistent <br />with program guidance and regulations, must be submitted to OES and signed by the applicant's designated <br />authorized agent. Pre-approval is required before the start of any activity not included in the approved scope of work. <br />Costs associated with any activity that is not included in the approved scope of work are not eligible for <br />reimbursement. <br />7. QUARTERLY REPORT PROCEDURES <br />Subgrantees are required to submit progress reports to OES on a quarterly basis until the activity is complete. <br />Quarterly Reports will not be required of activities with duration of less than three months. A single report for such <br />short-term activities will satisfy reporting requirements. <br />The first Quarterly Report is due to OES within three months following the activity initiation. Quarterly Keports will <br />thereafter be numbered consecutively by quarter and year (e.g. a 24 month project is required to submit 8 quarterly <br />reports.} The following is the schedule for the Quarterly Reports: <br />First Reporting Period: <br />Second Reporting Period: <br />Third Keporting Period: <br />Fourth Reporting Period: <br />January O1 -March 31 <br />April O1 -June 30 <br />July O1 -September 30 <br />October O1 -December 3l <br />Report due by April 15 <br />Report due by July 15 <br />Report due by October 15 <br />Report due by January 1 S <br />Quarterly Reports shall include, at a minimum: <br />A. The status and for the activity funded, including any problem or circumstances affecting the <br />completion date, scope of work, or costs which are expected to result in noncompliance with the approved <br />grant conditions. <br />B. A description of milestones completed in accordance with the work schedule provided by the subgrantee. The <br />milestones declared in the subgrantee's work schedule will be applied as a standard of the activity's progress. <br />OES will review subgrantee reports to identify activities requiring special attention or inspection. The Governor's <br />Authorized Representative will review the reports and forward a report to the FEMA Regional Director on the status <br />of each grant. <br />OES will suspend reimbursements to subgrantees that are not current in the submission of quarterly progress reports. <br />Reimbursement requests received for suspended grants will be returned to the subgrantee. <br />Hazard Mitigation Branch Notification to Subgrantees (Revised 7/16/07) Page 2 of 4 <br />