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11. FINAL REPORTS <br />Final Claims must be filed using the enclosed Final Claim form. All activity costs are subject to audit; therefore, <br />adequate documentation is required to verity the scope of work and the activity costs. All activity documentation <br />must be retained by the subgrantee for three years from closeout. The subgrantee shall submit a final report <br />package to OES when die activity has been completed. The documentation required is dependent oti the type of <br />activity. The package must include at least the following: <br />• Final Claim form <br />• Accomplishments and results report <br />• Budget summary <br />• Photographs/materials <br />Payment of the l0% retention will be processed upon completion of the closeout process. <br />12. AUDITS <br />OES may request, at any time, an audit for any money disbursed, regardless of amount, to a subgrantee. The <br />subgrantee will provide reasonable access to all records. Audits of subgrantees receiving federal grants will be <br />conducted in conformance with the requirements of the Single Audit Act as amended in 1996 (PL104-156) and OMB <br />Circulars, as well as related FEMA regulations and instructions. In each case where the subgrantee is provided <br />$300,000 or more funds in the fiscal year, local governments shall be audited in conformance with OMB Circular A- <br />133. If required, the subgrantee will provide copies of the audit performed under the Single Audit Act to the FEMA <br />Inspector General. Records must be retained by the subgrantee for three years from project closeout. <br />13. APPEALS {HMGP Only) <br />A subgrantee may appeal any determination made by FEMA relative to grant assistance by submitting justification in <br />writing to OES within sixty (60) days of the action being appealed. Appeals must be submitted through the <br />Governor's Authorized Representative (GAR). Applicants must provide sufficient information to allow the GAR to <br />determine the facts and validity of the request. <br />OES will review the appeal material submitted, make any additional investigations necessary and forward the appeal <br />with a written recommendation to the FEMA Regional Director within sixty (60) days. <br />The FEMA Regional Director shall notify OES as to the disposition of the subgrantee's appeal or need for additional <br />information within_ninety (90) days following receipt of all related information. If the decision is to grant the appeal, <br />the Regional Director will take appropriate implementing action. <br />if the Regional Director denies the appeal, the subgrantee tnay submit a second appeal in writing to the GAR. The <br />GAR reviews the second appeal and may forward it to the FEMA Associate Director through the FEMA Regional <br />Director. Such appeals shall be made in writing and shall be submitted not later than sixty (60) days after receipt of <br />notice of the Regional Director's denial of the first appeal. The Associate Director shall render a determination on the <br />GAR's appeal within ninety (90) days following receipt of all related information. The Associate Director's <br />determination is final. <br />In rendering such determinations, the Associate Director may, in those cases involving appeals of a highly technical <br />nature, refer the appeal to an independent scientific or technical body for review. The GAR must first agree to such a <br />process, including a waiver of the ninety (90) day time limitation for appeal resolution, as well as sharing the cost of <br />such reviews. <br />See Part 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (44CFR) Section 206.440. <br />Hazard Mitigation Branch I~iotification to subgrantees (Revised 7/]6/07) Page 4 of4 <br />