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related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic <br />rivers system. <br />14. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National <br />Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification <br />and preservation of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation <br />Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq). <br />15. Will comply with Standardized Emergency Management System (BEMs) requirements as <br />stated in the California Emergency Services Act, Government Code, Chapter 7 of <br />Division 1 of Title 2, Section 8607.1(e) and CCR Title 19, Sections 2445, 2446, 2447 and <br />2448. <br />16. Will cause to be performed the required financial and compliance audits in accordance <br />with the Single Audit Act of 1984 and the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996. <br />17. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other federal laws, Executive Orders, <br />regulations and policies governing this program. <br />18. Has requested through the State of California, federal financial assistance to be used to <br />perform eligible work approved in the applicant's application for federal assistance. Will, <br />after the receipt of federal fmancial assistance, through the State of California, agree to <br />the following: <br />a. The state warrant covering federal financial assistance will be deposited in a special <br />and separate account, and will be used to pay only eligible costs for projects described <br />above; <br />b. To return to the State of California such part of the funds so reimbursed pursuant to <br />the above numbered application, which are excess to the approved actual expenditures as <br />accepted by fmal audit of the federal or state government. <br />c. In the event the approved amount of the grant is reduced, the reimbursement <br />applicable to the amount of the reduction will be promptly refunded to the State of <br />California. <br />19. Will not make any award or permit any award (subgrant or contract) to any party which <br />is debarred or suspended or is otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in <br />Federal assistance programs under Executive Order 12549 and 12689, "Debarment and <br />Suspension." <br />The undersigned represents that he/she is authorized by to make the above set forth <br />certifications for and on behalf of St. Joseph Hospital of Orange <br />Signature of <br />Authorized Agent: <br />Printed Name of <br />Authorized Agent: STEVE GILBERT <br />Title: SJHS Vice President Construction <br />Date: ? ~ ~j _ Q~ <br />14 <br />