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Award Package <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Agreements to State and Local Governments, Office of Management and Budget Circulars A-102 and A-87, and <br />program guidance to implement this Grant Award. <br />ARTICLE V. COST SHARE <br />The cost-share requirement for this award is 18 % Federal and 82 %non-Federal. Small, impoverished <br />communities may receive a Federal cost share of up to 90 % of the total cost to implement eligible PDM activities <br />a. The approved budget for state andlor non-small, impoverished communities: <br />Sub-Grantee Federal Funds % Non-Federal ° <br />/0 Total Approved % <br /> Funds Amount <br />PDMC-PJ-09-CA- <br />2007-002 $3,000,000.00 15% $16,513,376.00 85% $19,513,376.00 100% <br />PDMGPJ-09-CA- <br />2007-003 $3,000,000.00 22% $10,464,659.00 78% $13,464,659.00 -100% <br />Total $6,000,000.00 37% $26,978,035.00 163% $32,978,035.00 200% <br />b. The following small, impoverished communities have been approved for cost share less than <br />the required 25 %non-Federal: ~ . <br />Sub-Grantee Federal Funds % Non-Federal % Total Approved % <br />Funds Amount <br />No small, impoverished communities are included in this Award Package. <br />c. The total approved budget of Federal funds is $6,000,000.00 and non-Federal funds is <br />$26,978,035.00 for a total approved amount of $32,978,035.00, which includes the combination <br />of a. and b. above. <br />ARTICLE VI. FEMA OFFICIALS <br />FEMA officials are as follows: <br />a. The Project Officer shall be an official at the FEMA Regional Office who will be responsible for <br />the program and technical monitoring of the work and technical performance of the. activities <br />described in the application. <br />The Project Officer is: JULIETTE HAYES <br />b. The Assistance Officer is the FEMA official who has full authority to negotiate, administer and <br />execute all business matters of the, Grant Award. <br />The Assistance Officer is: Melissa A. Pulver <br />ARTICLE VII. TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />The specific terms and conditions of this agreement are as follows: <br />ASSURANCE COMPLIANCE: The certifications signed by the Grantee in the application <br />relating to maintenance of a Drug-Free workplace (44 CFR Part 17, Subpart F) and New <br />Restrictions on Lobbying (44 CFR Part 18) apply to this grant agreement and are incorporated <br />by reference. <br />https a/portal. do?awardPaclcageNumbei=EMF... 1 / 17/2008 <br />