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THIS ENDORSEMENTCHANGESTHEPOLICY. PLEASE READITCAREFULLY <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED -DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION FOR <br />AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA ACTIVITIES <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided underthe following: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITYCOVERAGEFQRM <br />With respectto wverage provided by this endorsement, the provisions of the Coverage Fortn apply unless <br />Rncp o~ Santa. Aua, ita officers, apeaCS, ®plog~q <br />3602AH230069 01/01!08-01/01/09 a ~wnan lha a6acnedtr6ncwMamvase <br />lewd 6y <br />MARKEL INSURANCECOMPANY ~~ <br />SCHEDULE <br />Name. of Person or Organization: <br />AsBhow on the Attached Certificate of Insurance <br />A. The following is added toSedionll-WHOISANINSURED: <br />The person or organization shown in the above SCHEDULE but only with respect to liabilityarising out <br />of the organization, promotion, administration and conduct of amateur softball activites, Induding <br />games, pradices, tournaments, and fund-raising activities, underthe rules of the Amateur Softball <br />AssodationofAmerica, provided: <br />a, That'If the person or organization is designated as a Team, the person or organization so designated <br />shall be deemedto includeteam members, managers, coaches, assistants, batboys, registered <br />scorekeepers, sponsors, any other individual partidpating in the offidal fundions of the team, and if <br />so indicated, a Field Owner, but ony for liabilityarisingnut of the designated Team's amateur <br />softball activities covered underthis policy; <br />b. That if the person or organization is designated as a League, the interestof the Leagueshall not be <br />included unless all teams in the League purohasethis insurance. <br />When the interest of the League is so induded, the person or organization designated as a League <br />shall be deemed to indude alfteams in the league and team members, managers, coaches, <br />assistants, batboys, registeredscorekeepers, sponsors, any other individual participating in the <br />officiatfunctions of theteague or of arty such teams, and if so indicated, a Field Owner, but only for <br />Iiatalily arising out of the designated League'samateuraoftball activitieswvered under this policy; <br />All otherterms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged. <br />`" "" <br />7959 GL 0996 Induda copydghaM materialof lneumnce6arvicaeOlllu, Mc.wih lhpumhtion Pa 1or1 <br />CWY~9h41rourance 3ervkesOMMcce, Inc. ~ <br />