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<br />crrr~fA <br /> <br />Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br /> <br />HYDROLOGYIWATER QUALITY <br /> <br />A. Violate Regional Water Quality Control Board water quality standards or waste discharge <br />requirements? <br />E. Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? <br /> <br />I. Result in an increase in pollutant discharges to receiving waters? <br /> <br />N. Tributary to an already impaired water body, as listed on the Clean Water Act Section <br />303(d) list. If so, can it result in an increase in any pollutant of which the body is already <br />impaired? <br />R. Cause or contribute to an exceedance of applicable surface or groundwater receiving <br />water quality objectives or degradation of beneficial uses? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana is included within four watersheds; San Diego Creek, Santa Ana River, Talbert and <br />Westminster. Each of these watershed areas are under the jurisdiction of the Santa Ana Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board and subject to the objectives, water quality standards and Best Management <br />Practice requirements established in the Santa Ana River Basin Plan and Orange County Drainage Area <br />Management Plan. The City of Santa Ana does not contain any impaired water bodies, as defined by <br />Section 303 of the Clean Water Act. However, the City does contain several drainage facilities that convey <br />surface water runoff into bodies of water that are classified as impaired. Approval of the proposed <br />amendments to the Municipal Code to establish an ordinance for the regulation of indoor sporting facilities <br />would not directly involve routine waste discharges that would be in conflict with water quality standards <br />established by the State Regional Water Quality Control Board, in that the approval of the proposed <br />ordinance would not involve any long term operations or construction activities that would involve the <br />discharge of water. Through the conditional use permit process, future indoor sporting facilities <br />implemented under the proposed ordinance would be evaluated for potential water quality impacts and <br />would be subject to the City's storm water protection requirements. <br /> <br />B. Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater <br />recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local <br />groundwater table level. <br />Q. Have a potentially significant adverse impact on groundwater quality? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana receives 66% of its water from underground water supplies. The underground water <br />basin in the City ranges from -50-feet to +40-feet above sea level. Presently, the City pumps <br />underground water from 21 water wells. Fourteen of the water wells pump ground water into small surface <br />reservoirs. The remaining seven water wells pump underground water into the City's distribution system. <br />Approval of the proposed amendments to the Municipal Code to establish an ordinance for the regulation <br />of indoor sporting facilities would not result in adverse impacts to underground water supplies or prevent <br />the recharge of underground water supplies, in that approval of the proposed ordinance would not involve <br />any activities that would impact underground water supplies or provide impervious surfaces that would <br />prevent the recharge of underground water supplies. <br /> <br />75B-30 <br /> <br />6 <br />