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<br />~~fA <br /> <br />Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br /> <br />O. Tributary to other environmentally sensitive areas? If so, can it exacerbate already existing <br />sensitive conditions? <br />P. Have a potentially significant environmental impact or surface water quality to either <br />marine, fresh or wetland waters? <br />S. Impact aquatic, wetland or riparian habitat? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR, there are no sensitive marine waters, fresh <br />waters or wetlands in the City. However, the City does contain several drainage systems that convey <br />drainage flows to sensitive marine resources. Pollutants conveyed through these drainage systems could <br />adversely impact sensitive marine resources. Approval of the proposed ordinance would not result in any <br />activities that would discharge pollutants into sensitive downstream marine resources. Through the <br />conditional use permit process, future indoor sporting facilities implemented under the proposed ordinance <br />would be evaluated for potential water quality impacts and would be subject to the City's storm water <br />protection requirements. <br /> <br />LAND USE/PLANNING <br /> <br />A. Physically divide an established community? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />The proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to establish an ordinance for the regulation of indoor <br />sporting facilities would provide location criteria and operational standards to ensure that indoor sporting <br />facilities would not encroach into or physically divide any established communities or neighborhoods in <br />Santa Ana. No adverse land use impacts would be associated with the approval of the proposed <br />ordinance. <br /> <br />B. Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with <br />jurisdiction over the project adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an <br />environmental effect? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />The proposed project would amend the City's Municipal Code by establishing an ordinance that provides <br />criteria for the location and operation of indoor sporting facilities. Approval of the proposed ordinance <br />would not be in conflict with the City's General Plan or any other relevant planning program in the City. <br /> <br />C. Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community plan? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR, there are no habitat conservation plans or <br />natural community conservation plans established within the City of Santa Ana. Therefore, approval of the <br />proposed ordinance would not be in conflict with any habitat conservation or natural community <br />conservation plan. <br /> <br />75B-32 <br /> <br />8 <br />