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FY 2006 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM -DECEMBER 2, 2006 <br />C.S. Exercises <br />All Urban Areas are required to develop aMulti-year Exercise Plan and submit it to G&T on an <br />annual basis. While Urban Area specific, this plan must tie into the Multi-vear Exercise Pian <br />developed by the State, and be in line with the Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy. Further, <br />Urban Areas are encouraged to develop aMulti-year Plan and Schedule that takes into <br />consideration anticipated training needs of the Urban Area for at least the immediate year, with <br />exercises being timed to provide responders the opportunity to utilize training received. This <br />combined schedule should also ensure that training and exercises complement each other. An <br />example of a combined Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan can be found at the HSEEP <br />Website or G&T Secure Portal. Further guidance concerning EPWs can be found in the HSEEP <br />Volumes, <br />Urban Areas are eligible to apply for exercise direct support, but must do so in coordination with <br />the SAA. <br />PREPAREDNESS DIRECTGRATE'S OFFICE OF GRANfS AND'rRA]N1NG ~4 <br />$5 <br />20A-61 <br />