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FY 200b HUMRI.AND SECi1RITY URANT PRUaRAM - nF.CP.MIIER ?, 2005 <br />C. Authorized Program Expenditures <br />Allowable expenditures for the FY 2006 UASI program comport with FY 2006 SHSP (except <br />for the use of funds for operational costs). Please refer to Appendix D for a summary of <br />authorized and unauthorized UASI expenditures. <br />C.1. Plannlne <br />Urban Areas may use FY 2006 UASI funds for multi-discipline planning efforts to prioritize <br />needs, update preparedness strategies, allocate resources, and deliver preparedness programs. <br />These efforts include the collection and analysis of intelligence and information and the <br />development of policies, plans, procedures, mutual aid agreements, strategies, and other <br />publications that comply with relevant laws, regulations, and guidance necessary to perform <br />assigned missions and tasks. It is explicitly permissible to use planning funds to hire government <br />and/or contractor personnel to conduct planning activities described here. <br />Similar to SHSP, FY 2006 UASI funds may be used for a range of homeland security planning <br />activities, such as: <br />Developing and implementing homeland security support programs and adopting DHS <br />national initiatives including but not limited to the following: <br />o Implementing the National Preparedness Goal and Guidance. <br />o Implementing and adopting NIMS. <br />o Modifying existing incident management and Emergency Operating Procedures <br />(EOPs) to ensure proper alignment with the NRP coordinating structures, <br />processes, and protocols. <br />o Establishing or enhancing mutual aid agreements. <br />o Developing communications and interoperability protocols and solutions. <br />o Conducting local, regional, and Tribal program implementation meetings. <br />o Developing or updating resource inventory assets in accordance to typed resource <br />definitions issued by the NIC. <br />o Designing State and local geospatial data systems. <br />o Conducting public education and outreach campaigns, including promoting <br />individual, family and business emergency preparedness; alerts and warnings <br />education; and evacuation plans. <br />Developing related terrorism prevention activities including: <br />o Planning to enhance security during heightened alerts, during terrorist incidents, <br />and/or during mitigation and recovery. <br />o Multi-discipline preparation across first responder community, including EMS for <br />response to catastrophic events and acts of terrorism, <br />o Public inforn-ation/education: printed and electronic materials, public service <br />announcements, seminars/town hall meetings, web postings coordinated through <br />local Citizen Corps Councils. <br />o Citizen Corps volunteer programs and other activities to strengthen citizen <br />participation. <br />PItEPAREllNESS UIRECI'ORA'fE'S OFFfCEOF GRANTS AND 7RAINING $Q <br />20A-63 <br />