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NS-2774 - Adding Division 6 to Chapter 15 of Santa Ana Municipal Code, Regarding State Franchised Video Service Providers
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2008 (NS-2761 - NS-2778)
NS-2774 - Adding Division 6 to Chapter 15 of Santa Ana Municipal Code, Regarding State Franchised Video Service Providers
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1/3/2012 1:00:25 PM
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9/4/2008 1:27:18 PM
City Clerk
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the Charter of the City of Santa Ana. Any such restatement of existing <br />provisions of the Code is not intended, nor shall it be interpreted, as <br />constituting a new action or decision of the City Council, but rather such <br />provisions are repeated far tracking purposes only in conformance with <br />the Charter. <br />Section 2: Section 15-255 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended to provide that it is lawful to operate a cable television system in the City <br />pursuant to a State Video Franchise, such that it reads as follows (new language in <br />bald, deleted language in strikeout for tracking purposes only): <br />Sec. 15-255. Franchise terms and conditions. <br />(a) Franchise purposes. A franchise granted by the city under the provisions <br />of this division 2 may authorize the grantee to do the following: <br />(1) To engage in the business of providing cable television services that are <br />authorized by law and that grantee elects to provide to its subscribers <br />within the designated franchise service area. <br />(2) To erect, install, construct, repair, rebuild, reconstruct, replace, maintain, <br />and retain, cable lines, related electronic equipment, supporting <br />structures, appurtenances, and other property in connection with the <br />operation of the cable system in, on, over, under, upon, along and across <br />streets and public ways within the designated franchise service area. <br />(3) To maintain and operate the franchise properties for the origination, <br />reception, transmission, amplification, and distribution of television and <br />radio signals, and for the delivery of cable services and such other <br />services as may be authorized by law. <br />(b) Franchise required. <br />(1) It is unlawful for any person to construct, install, or operate a cable <br />television system within any street or public way in the city without first <br />obtaining either a City franchise under the provisions of this division 2, or a <br />State Video Franchise under division 6 of this Chapter 15. <br />(2) The city council finds and determines that certain multichannel video <br />programming distributors and video providers, as those terms are defined <br />in section 15-268 of division 6, provide cable service, including video <br />programming, to subscribers within limited geographic areas where <br />multifamily dwelling complexes and congregate-living complexes are <br />located. That cable service, including video programming, is sometimes <br />provided, in whole or in part, by the transmission of signals over wires or <br />lines that are owned or controlled by telecommunications service <br />providers or other public utilities and that are within or cross streets or <br />public ways within the boundaries of a local franchising authority. The <br />Ordinance No. NS-2774 <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />
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