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Administration responsibility for this Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action <br />{EO/AA) Program is delegated to the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) <br />Officer for the Santa Ana Local Workforce Investment Area. Equal opportunity <br />and non-discrimination, however, will only be Ecual O tortu gtylPaogramp and <br />implementation of a viable Affirmative Action q PP <br />2. Civil Rights <br />No one applying for or enrolled in the Workforce I ofraceeco ort c eed), <br />Programs may be discriminated against becau <br />handicap, national origin, sex, age, political affiliation, or beliefs. <br />This means that -for any of the characteristics listed above: <br />You may not be denied the opportunity to enroll in WIA. <br />No benefits or services may be denied you for discr'rmmatory <br />reasons. <br />You may not be segregated or treated any differently from other <br />applicants or participants, while you are being registered, <br />interviewed, counseled or tf thed, ro rahm You are working or <br />attending classes as part o p g <br />You must be provided an equal chance to use all facilities <br />available in the program. <br />Fair employment practices must be provided to all staff with <br />regard to recruiting, hiring, transferring, promotions, training, <br />compensation, benefits, layoff, and termination. <br />You have the right to make a complaint if you feel yoe henalb ed foefil ng a y <br />of the above opportunities. You cannot in any way b P <br />complaint. Your WIA sponsor has est abni~ wed { be f led wi hino180 dalysg All <br />complaints or grievances. Your compl <br />complaints will be handled confidentially. <br />3 <br />