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75C - PH 2501 W FIFTH
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
75C - PH 2501 W FIFTH
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Last modified
1/3/2012 4:27:43 PM
Creation date
9/30/2008 12:42:48 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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<br />an,A <br /> <br />Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br /> <br />Long-Term Operational Air Quality Impacts <br /> <br />The primary source of long-term operational emissions associated with the proposed project would be <br />generated by vehicle travel to and from the project site. A relatively minor amount of gaseous emissions <br />would also occur from natural gas and electricity usage. The proposed project is consistent with the <br />City's General Plan and would not exceed the air pollutant emission projections established in the <br />General Plan Land Use Element EIR. It has been determined that implementation of the proposed <br />project would not result significant long-term or short-term air quality impacts. Therefore, the proposed <br />project area would not be exposed to substantial concentrations of air quality pollutants. <br /> <br />IV. Biological Resources <br /> <br />A. Have a substantial adverse impact, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any <br />species identified as a candidate, sensitive or special status species in local or regional <br />plans, policies or regulations or by the California Department of Fish and game or U.S. <br />Fish and Wildlife Services? <br />B. Have a substantial adverse impact on any riparian habitat or natural community identified <br />in local or regional plans, policies, and regulations or by the California Department of Fish <br />and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? <br />C. Adversely impact federally protected wetlands either individually or in combination with <br />the known or probable impacts of other activities through direct removal, filling <br />hydrological interruption, or other means? <br />D. Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as tree <br />preservation policy or ordinance? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana General Plan Land Use Element EIR indicates that Santa Ana is predominantly <br />built-out and that all sizable expanses of undisturbed native vegetation have been eliminated. Since no <br />new construction is proposed, approval and implementation of the proposed project will not result in <br />impacts to anyon-site biological resource. <br /> <br />V. Cultural Resources <br /> <br />A. Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined <br />in Section 15064.5? <br />B. Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a unique archaeological <br />resource pursuant to Section 15064.5? <br />C. Directly or indirectly disturb or destroy a unique paleontogical resource or site? <br />D. Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries. <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />According to the National Register of Historical Structures and the City of Santa Ana Local List of <br />Historical Properties, there are no historical structures located on the project site. Therefore, <br />implementation of the proposed project would not result in significant impacts to any historic resource. <br />Further, According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR, there are no known or recorded <br />archaeological or paleontological resources on or within the vicinity of the project site. Additionally, the <br />project site is fully developed. The probability for the discovery of unknown cultural resources would be <br />low. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not result in impacts to unknown cultural <br />resources. <br /> <br />75C-96 <br /> <br />3 <br />
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