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13. ltc~mcdies <br />In the event of a11y default by "1`I~NAN"I~, then, in addition tea atay other remdies avaailable to <br />I)IS'1'KlC''f at la~~~ or in equity, I?IS'1`ItIC"I' may exercise the following t°ernedies: <br />I . I)IS'LRIC''L- naay termira4ate this Lease and. all ri~~hts of"1~L;NAN`1' heretiuldc;r by giving, ~vritt:n <br />notice oI~ such. termination to TI?NANT"". in the. event that 1)1S"I'1ZIC"1" shall so ilea tea <br />terminate this Lease, then DIS"1"IZIC'"l~ may rt;cover from TENANT: <br />{a} "I`he worth at the time. of award taf the. unpaid rent and other charges, tivhich had been <br />earned as of the date of the; terrmi~nation hereof; <br />{b~ Any other amount necessary to ccampensate nISTRICT I'or gall the detriment proximatc:h~ <br />caaased by "1'L;NAN"I"S failure to perf«rm its obligations unclear this Lease or which in the <br />ordinan~ course t}f things mould be likely to result therefitatn. including, lout not Limited. <br />to, the cost of recovering possession of the Premises, expenses caf-reletting, including <br />necessary repair, renor~•ation and alteration cafe the f'reimases, rt;asonalale attore.~•s' fees. <br />expert ~~=itness costs. and arty other reasonable costs; and <br />(e} Any other armount ~~°hlcl~ DIS'I'IZIC''I' may by la~~~ herea~er be permitted to recover fi•onl <br />I I-;NAN'C tc~ cormpensate 1~IS`l'IZIC"I' far the detriment caused b}~= "I'1~\1!N"I"S det<ault. <br />~T~he terror "rent" as used herein. shall be deemed to lae artd to mean the annum rent and. all <br />Uiher suar~s required to be paid by "I'ENAN`I" purstirant to tlrc terms of this beast;. All such <br />sums, other than the annual rent. shall be computed on the basis of the average monthl}r <br />amount thereof accrtiring during the: ?~-n~c~nth period irmmeadately prior to default. except that <br />if it becomes necessary tea compute such rental 1ac[orc such ?=1-month period leas occurred. <br />then. such sums shall be commputed on the: basis t}f the a~~era~e mc>nthl~~ sirnount dtcring such. <br />shorter period. As used in sulaparagraph 13.1.(x) above, the "~4-earth at the: titre of a~vsard" shall <br />be ctanrputed by allo~~rin~; '-nterest ai the maxirxaum rate permitted by la~v. <br />2. Continue this I.easc in effect w°ithout ter~inating ..1'l~;N~11I.i.'S right to possession ,von <br />though. "I'FNAN"I' has breached this Lease. and abandoned the I'reimises artd tea esnltarcc all of~ <br />ISIS"I`I~IC" I`'S rights and t~c:tnedes under this Lease, at laiv or err equity, including the right to <br />r~ccal°er th.o rent as it I7ecorno5 dui uaadcr this 1 ro4tsu; pro~~icietl, he>~~~~~e~', th~it I)IS~I'R.IC'"1' n~a~~ <br />at any time thereafter elect to terminate this I ease Liar such previous breach by notii:}Ping <br />`I'I:NANT in writing that'I`I~NAN'l`"~ right tea possssion afthe Premises has been <br />terminated. <br />'vothin~= in this Section shall be deemed to affect "1'1;NAN'T'S inclenanity ca3' DIS'fI~:IC"I~ liability or <br />liabilities based arptan occurrences prior to the termination taf this Lcasc fear personal injuries or <br />property damage under the indemraiiication clause or clauses contained in this Lease. <br />Nca delay car tanzissican of I~.ISTRIC,I. to exercise; any right car remed~~ shall be construed as a t~-aivir taf <br />such ri~~llt or remedy or any default by 'I•IN<AN'1' lieretiu~rder. 'fhe <acct;ptancc bt I.)IS'I'RIC'"I' ol~rent tar <br />Gaaay other sums hereunder shall not be (a) a waiver of any Eareceding larcach tar default by "C1:NAN°I.. <br />of ar~y provision thereof: other than the failure taf'I"I:iJA'v`l" to pay ihc: particular rent or sum <br />accepted, regardless of I7IS'I"Ii1C:'I"'S 1<notivledge of such prt;cecling laeeLach tsar default. at the time ta! <br />acceptance of stitch rent or sum., or (b} tivaver of UIS~I'IZIC•I''S right to exercise any remedy available <br />to I.)IS"I~LtI(' l' by virtue caf'sucl~ breach or default. No tact or thing:. done by I)IS'I'ItIC'"1' car <br />:axita ,Ana IZvcr t'laannk] (C:t)1-it] ~j?] L' <br />1"tE~ 4t;e.t I';ia~rtistle [,_~ac f]~Es~ (+R [:~.t}g} <br />20C-48 <br />