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2~. PUBLIC RECQI2D~ (P:M(:I~~~S.Z ~) <br />:~n~° and all ti~~ritten infomlation submitted to and;'or obtained by ISIS"1'1ZIC"h f`rorr7 "l lad t~1~'(' or ~{ny other <br />person or emit}~ baking to do «ith or related to this Lease and,'or the Premises, either pursuant to this <br />1~ease or other~~ise, at the option of l")1S7~1~1C;`l°, may be treated as a public recczrd open to in5pectic~~n by <br />the public pursuant to the California Records .~.ct (Cxo~~erl'rnent Code Section Ei?5(). etc.} as now in fierce <br />or hereafter amended, t>r any Act i71 substitution thereof': or othervetise m;:tde a~~ailakale to the public and <br />`l f:N~\~l' lzereby° v~~aives, for itself, its agents, employees, subtenants, and an} person claiming by- <br />througli or under "11~1~ ~1;1~'1`, an}= right ar claim that any such information. is not a 1~7zbiic record or thtzt the: <br />same is a trade secret or confidential information and hereb}' agret;s to indemnify and 17c~1d I~1S"1'li;iC'"1' <br />harmless from anti= and all claims, demaztds, liabilities. and!or obligatitn~s arising out of or resul.ting from. <br />a c;laizm by "i`lN ~,N'l' or any third party that such information is a trade secret, or conlide;nttal, or not. <br />subject to Inspection by the public, including ~a~ithoztt limitatitzn reasonable attorne~~s' fees ztzid casts. <br />25. It)ELATIOi~SHIP (7F I't~-Z'I'I~S (PMC:EZG.2 S} <br />The rclatio7zshp of the parties hereto is that of 1:)IS1'lt1C"l' and TINANI`I'. and it is eYprwssly understood <br />and agreed that ~15`l`12.IC"1' does nc~t in any «,~ay car for any' purpose bc;come a partner of: or a joint <br />~~enturer with '1'ENAN"I' in tl7e: condclct o#` 1 I~t~N'k"":~ business or othert~~ise, anti flee provisions of'this <br />1_ease and the agreements relating to rent payable hereunctr are inclut~ed solely for the purpczst: of <br />prop°iding a method by° tii=hich rental payments are: to bt; measured and ascertained. <br />2b. ATTnI2NCY,S' FF,I~ (PM(I28.1) <br />In any action or proceeding brought to enforce or interpret. ttlry pro~~ision of this or cohere any <br />pra~~ision hereof is validly asserted its a defense, each party shall bear its or~~ta attorneys` fees and costs. <br />27. Vl~;;\ii?I~ (P'VICrF29<1) <br />'1'he parties hereto agree that this lease has been negotiated and ekecuted in ille State c7f C'alif~~rzzia and <br />shKzil be gt~~°erned br~• and. construed under the la~7s c~i' C'alifc>rz~ia. Iz7 the event of az}y° lg;al action to <br />enfi~rce. or inte;rpre:t t17is lease, the sale and excllzsi~~e v~enuc; shall be a court of'competent jurisdiction <br />locat4d in i~ranye County, California, zu~d the parties hereto agree to and dcz hereby subzmit to the <br />jurisdiction of`s7lcli crnlrt, nat«~ithstandizig Code. of Civil I'rocc:dure Sectioza ~~~~. Purtherznort;, the <br />laarties hereto specifically agree to ti~aive any and all rights to request that an 4tction be transferred [r>r <br />trzal to cu-zc>ther t+{.zone} . <br />Sa~~ta .~,ra Ftwcx C'}~.tnnel {Ei.} 1-1Z 1 >>2) ti' 11.7 <br />1'?9h .~t~eet lri:~ra~ie 1 z~.ue li2i=V fib 1" 1!R} <br />20C-51 <br />