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<br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />(1) An easement for pole llne purposes, affecting the herelnabove described STRIP 3, <br />granted to Southern California Edison Company by instrument recorded August 16, 1956 in Book <br />3613, page 120 of Official Records tn the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County. <br /> <br />(2) An easement for public utility purposes, affecting the heretnabove described STRIP 5, <br />recorded tn Book 8472, page 129. of said Official Records. <br /> <br />(3) An easement for underground telephone cables, affecting the heretnabove described <br />STRIP 5, granted to Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. by Instrument recorded tn Book 8841. page <br />473, of said Official Records. <br /> <br />(4) Those ceriatn easements for road purposes. affecting the herelnabove described STRIP <br />5, granted to James R. Rittermal, et aI, by Instrument recorded tn Book 11058, page 482 and tn Book <br />11243, page 1131, both of said Official Records. <br /> <br />(5) An easement for road purposes, affecting the heretnabove described STRIP 4, granted <br />to the City of Santa Ana by Instrument recorded tn Book 13043, page 732, of said OfficIal Records. <br /> <br />(6) An unrecorded license dated September 15, 1977, for plpellne purposes, affecting the <br />heretnabove described STRIP 5. granted to Southern California Gas Company. <br /> <br />(7) An unrecorded license dated April 26, 1979, for landscaptng and sign purposes <br />affecting the heretnabove described STRIP 4, granted to Wells Fargo Bank. <br /> <br />(8) An unrecorded license dated December 2, 1982 for vehicular access purposes, affecting <br />the heretnabove described STRIP 2. granted to Transmix Corporation. <br /> <br />(9) An unrecorded license dated August 30, 1983 for vehicular access and conveyor <br />purposes, affecting the heretnabove described STRIP 5. granted to Associated Concrete Co. <br />ThiS license is given upon and subject to the terms, covenants and conditions heretnafter <br />set forth, which LIcensee by the acceptance of thiS Instrument agrees to comply with and perform: <br /> <br />1. The term of thiS License shall be ten (10) years commencing on January I, 1996, and <br />termtnattng on December 31, 2005 unless sooner termtnated as heretn provided solely for the <br />purposes and uses speclfled tn this 1lcense. Licensee agrees to pay to the Licensor the sum of One <br />Hundred Fifty and 00/100 ($150.00) Dollars per year annually tn advance for the use of the real <br />property covered by the wlthtn License. Licensee agrees to pay the first of such annual installments of <br /> <br />4 <br />