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<br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />23. Licensee further agrees that It will be responsible for regularly policing and patrolling <br />the licensed area and for removing unauthorized persons. Licensee agrees to diligently pursue and <br />remedy or adjust any complaints made by adjolnlng property owners or any other person concerning <br />or arISing out of the use of the bicycle path. <br /> <br />24. No termtnatlon or cancellation hereof shall release the Licensee from any liability or <br />obligation (whether of indemnity or otherwise) which may have atttached or accrued previous to or <br />which ay be accruing at the time of such termtnatlon or cancellation. <br /> <br />25. No permanent or possessory Interest shall accrue to the Licensee In the described <br /> <br /> <br />premises by reason of this agreement or by exercise of the permission given Including the <br /> <br /> <br />construction, maintenance and use of Improvements. <br /> <br />26. In addition to any other Indemnification provision of this License, Licensee <br />specifically agrees to save harmless and indemnify Licensor, Its officers, agents, employees. licensees <br />and Its successors and assigns, from and against all claims, loss, damage, actions, causes of action, <br />expense and/or lIabUlty from damage or Injury to the property of the Southern California Gas <br />Company and Wells Fargo Bank (licensees In those certain unrecorded Licensees for pipeline and <br />landscaping and sign purposes referred to above) arising or resulting In any manner whatsoever <br />dtrectly or indirectly. by reason of this License or the use or occupancy of the premises by the Licensee <br />or any person claiming under he Licensee. <br /> <br />27. Licensee agrees to relocate, erect and maintain at Its sole cost and expense gates or <br />fences or both at those locations as may be required by Licensor. Such gates or fences or both shall be <br />erected In accordance with specifications as required by Licensor. Licensee further agrees that the <br />bicycle path shall be constructed In accordance with construction details and specifications as <br />approved In writing In advance by LIcensor and shall be maintained In such a manner as to be capable <br />of carrying the weight of whatever vehicle Licensor may desire to utilize upon, across or over the <br />licensed area In connection with the construction. maintenance, removal, repair, alteration or <br />reconstruction of the structures. cornrnu'nlcatlon lines, distribution or transmission lines for electric <br />energy of Licensor now or hereafter located In, on. over, along. across or under said property or <br />adjolnlng property of Licensor. <br /> <br />9 <br />