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rent of the dwelling you occupy and the rent you must pay for a comparable replacement <br />dwelling. <br />If you receive a rental assistance payment, as described above, and later decide to <br />purchase a replacement dwelling, you may apply for a payment equal to the amount you <br />would have received if you had initially purchased a comparable replacement dwelling, <br />less the amount you have already received as a rental assistance payment. <br />7 QUALIFICATION FOR AND FILING OF, RELOCATION CLAIMS <br />To qualify for a Replacement Housing Payment, you must rent or purchase and occupy a <br />comparable replacement unit within one year from the following: <br />For a tenant, the date you move from the displacement dwelling. <br />For an owner-occupant, the latter of: <br />a. The date you receive final payment for the displacement dwelling, or, in the case <br />of condemnation, the date the full amount of estimated just compensation is <br />deposited in court; or <br />b. The date the Displacing Agency fulfills its obligation to make available <br />comparable replacement dwellings. <br />All claims for relocation benefits must be filed with the Displacing Agency within eighteen (18) <br />months from the date on which you receive final payment for your property, or the date, on <br />which you move, whichever is later. <br />8. LAST RESORT HOUSING ASSISTANCE <br />If comparable replacement dwellings are not available when you are required to move, or if <br />replacement housing is not available within the monetary limits described above, the Displacing <br />Agency will provide Last Resort Housing assistance to enable you to rent or purchase a <br />replacement dwelling on a timely basis. Last Resort Housing assistance is based on the <br />individual circumstances of the displaced person. Your relocation representative will explain the <br />process for determining whether or not you qualify for Last Resort assistance. <br />If you are a tenant, and you choose to purchase rather than rent a comparable replacement <br />dwelling, the entire amount of your rental assistance and Last Resort eligibility must be applied <br />toward the down-payment and eligible incidental expenses of the home you intend to purchase. <br />9. RENTAL AGREEMENT <br />As a result of the Displacing Agency's action to purchase the property where you live, you may <br />become a tenant of the Displacing Agency. If this occurs, you will be asked to sign a rental <br />agreement which will specify the monthly rent to be paid, when rent payments are due, where <br />they are to be paid and other pertinent information. <br />10. EVICTIONS <br />80B-75 <br />