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BUSINESS CALENDAR <br />5. RESOLUTION FOR GRANTS FOR BLOCKS PROGRAM (Scott Kutner) <br />Recommended Action: <br />Recommend that the City Council adopt a Resolution amending the <br />guidelines for the operation of the Grants for Blocks Program by the <br />Community Development Agency. <br />6. REPLACEMENT HOUSING PLAN -VARIOUS PROPERTIES - (Shelly Landry- <br />Bayle) <br />Recommended Action: <br />Recommend that the Community Redevelopment Agency adopt a <br />resolution approving the Replacement Housing Plan for residential <br />properties located at 604, 605, 606, 607, 609, 614, 618, 620 and 622 Lacy, <br />601 and 603 E. Sixth Street, 609 Minter, 618 and 619 Garfield, 804 and 806 <br />Santa Ana Blvd., and 415 Raitt. <br />WORK STUDY SESSION <br />Work Study Sessions provide the Community Redevelopment and Housing <br />Commission an opportunity to study complicated issues prior to making a decision(s) or <br />to review programs, projects and/or proposals. <br />7. BROWN ACT/CONFLICT OF INTEREST - (Lisa Storck) <br />MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION <br />8. EXCUSED ABSENCES <br />CRHC AGENDA 5 MAY 2, 2006 <br />