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Environmental Checklist <br />CEQA Compliance <br /> Less than <br /> Significant <br /> Potentially with Less Than <br /> <br />Issues 8~ Supporting Information Sources Significant <br />Impact Mitigation <br />Incorporated Significant <br />Impact No <br />Impact <br />Wildland fires, including where wildfires are ^ ^ ^ <br />adjacent to urbanized areas and where <br />7. residences are intermixed with wildland? <br />B. Would the project result in substantial soil erosion ^ ^ ® ^ <br />or the loss of topsoil? <br />C. Would the project result in the loss of a unique ^ <br />geologic feature? <br />D. Is the project located on strata or soil that is ^ <br />unstable or that would become unstable as a result <br />of the project and potentially result in on- or off-site <br />landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, <br />liquefaction, or collapse? <br />^ ^ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />E. Is the project located on expansive soil creating ^ <br />substantial risks to life and property? <br />F. Where sewers are not available for the disposal of ^ <br />wastewater, is the soil capable of supporting the <br />use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater <br />disposal systems? <br />VII. Hazardous and Hazardous Materials -Would the project: <br />A. Create a significant hazard to the public or the ^ <br />environment through the routine transport, use or <br />disposal of hazardous materials? <br />B. Create a significant hazard to the public or the ^ <br />environment through reasonably foreseeable upset <br />and accident conditions involving likely release of <br />hazardous materials into the environment? <br />C. Reasonably be anticipated to emit hazardous ^ <br />emissions or handle hazardous or acutely <br />hazardous materials, substance or waste within <br />one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed <br />school? <br /> <br />^ ^ <br />^ ^ <br />^ ^ <br />^ ^ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />31 A-27 <br />