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Mitigation Monitoring Plan <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />construction manager will be located at the <br />construction office, City Hall, and the police <br />department. <br />Ensure that construction equipment is properly muffled <br />according to industry standards. <br />Place noise-generating construction equipment and locate <br />construction staging areas away from the adjacent <br />residential uses. <br />Implement noise attenuation measures to the extent <br />feasible, which may include, but are not limited to, <br />noise barriers or noise blankets. <br />MM NOI-2 The applicant shall require by contract specifications that Planning and <br />construction staging areas, along with the operation of Building <br />earthmoving equipment within the project site, are located as <br />far away from vibration- and noise-sensitive sites as possible. <br />Contract specifications shall be included in the proposed <br />project construction documents, which shall be reviewed and <br />approved by the City. <br />MM NOI-3 The applicant shall require by contract specification that Planning and <br />construction activities generating the loudest noise levels Building <br />(e.g. site grading) shall not occur prior to 9:00 A.M. or after <br />5:00 P.nn. Monday through Friday. Further, such activities <br />shall be prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays and federal <br />holidays. <br />MM NOI-4 The applicant shall require by contract specifications that no Planning and <br />delivery of materials or maintenance of equipment shall occur Building <br />at the project site after 6:00 P.nn. on weekdays and Saturdays, <br />before 7:00 a.nn. on weekdays and Saturdays, and at no time <br />on Sundays. <br />Prior to the issuance of the Buildin Permit <br />MM AQ-6 The Applicant shall require by contract specifications that the Building <br />architectural coating (paint and primer) products used would Division <br />have a low-VOC rating. Contract specifications shall be <br />included in the proposed project construction documents, <br />which shall be reviewed by the City prior to issuance of a <br />building permit. <br />TR-i The Applicant shall restripe the median on Fairview Street per Public Works <br />city approved plans to relieve traffic congestions and prevent <br />left turn conflicts. The applicant shall provide the requested <br />striping subject to the City of Santa Ana Public Works Agency <br />staff review and approval. <br />TR-2 The Applicant shall provide a parking attendant during multi- Planning and <br />event conditions and/or special events to assist in circulating Building <br />traffic in and out of the impacted driveways. <br />31 A-57 <br />