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F,XHIBTT C <br />ADDITIO1~TaL INSURED IND~DRSEI<ZENT <br />lnsurarnce Company <br />Scottsdale insurance Company <br />This endorsement modifies such insurance as is afTvrded by tlne provisions of Policy <br /># CpS09$9390 relating to the following: <br />1. Tlie City of Santa Ana located 20 Civic Center Plaza A4-2b, Sang. Ana, <br />Califorrnia 92701; and their rzspectivc officers, employees, agerris, volunteers and <br />representatives are named as additional insureds ("additional insureds") ~~~itln regard to <br />liability arnd defense of suits arising from the operations and arses perforned by or on <br />behalf of the narnled insured. <br />2. V~~itln respect to claims arising out of the operations and uses performed by <br />or on behalf ofthe named 'ensured, such insurance as is afforded by this policy is primary <br />and is not additional to or corttribtrting with vn}, other insurance carved by or far the <br />beriefrt of the additional insureds <br />3. This isnrance applies separately to each i1`GUred against whore claim is <br />made or suit is brought ehcept with respect to the company's liunits of liability.. The <br />inclusion of any person or organization as an insurad shall not affect any right w}nicln such <br />person or organization would have as a elainiant if not so included. <br />=1. ~~rith respe~~t to the additional insureds, this insurance shall not be <br />cancelled, or materially reduced in co~terage or lien its except after thirty (.3U) days Gvritten <br />notice has been givers to the Conununity Red4velopnnent Agency of the City of Santa <br />Ana. 2U Civic Center Plaza (b~f-26). Santa r'1na, California 92701. <br />(Cornpletiorn of the following, including countersignature, is requied to male this <br />indorsement effective.) <br />Effective 06/30/09 ,this enndorsement f.'orm as a part of <br />Policy # <br />Issued to Skyline Real Estate Services <br />Named Insured <br />Countersignzd b>~ ~~ /' ~' !• G'~^~~ <br />A r tied R epresantative <br />~~,c:r <br />t, .;fir t•„,~ ,r' ,~~ .~ <br />