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CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />t~~,.~s-.~.~e=~•,~,r,~ ,~.., . ,~- - - - ~- - - - - - <br />.ci -rc~ - - n <br />State of California {'J ~" 1 <br />County of LAS /'7/ ~/7°/Y,~ y~ LJi" ~ Q ~, <br />On ,fll~V 2 ~; .20~ before me, / ///C'/~yJr~_Pi ~C:Ur~/1~ NU/•G/// ~j,~~ , <br />~ Dat / ~ Here Insert Name antl Title o1 a OHicer <br />personally appeared </~~ ~/crr?Q~gy~ <br />Name(s) at Signer(s~ <br />who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to <br />be the person(~(j whose name~j is/~ subscribed to the <br />within instrument and acknowledged to me that <br />t~/she/t executed the same in I~/her/tF~ir authorized <br />capacity(i ,and that by Qi~/her/th~signature~on the <br />MICMOLE iMCBR00111 instrument the person~(j, or the entity upon behalf of <br />CommUfko t 1839473 which the person acted, executed the instrument. <br />NWN7 Pu01k - CYIrorMi /` <br />~~~~~ I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws <br />Comm. ~ Mr5.2019+ of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is <br />true and correct. <br />WITNESS my'h^/a~n~/d'a~nJd/official seal. ~j~`py,~;7~ ~ /) <br />Place NOtal Seal Above Signature``/'~[ 2'O~O/s~~/~~~irC/(~/j U///y`/ <br />Y Signature of Notary Public <br />OPTIONAL <br />Though the information below is not required 6y law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document <br />and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this lorm to another document. <br />Description of Attached Document <br />Title or Type of Document: <br />Document Date: Number of Pages: <br />Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: <br />Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) <br />Signer's Name: <br />C Individual <br />G Corporate Officer -Title(s): - <br />rl Partner - ^ Limited n General <br />J Attorney in Fact <br />J Trustee <br />-l Guardian or Conservator <br />i7 Other: <br />Signer Is Representing: <br />Signer's Name: <br />^ Individual <br />^ Corporate Officer -Title(s): <br />Partner - U Limited ~ General <br />• •' ^ Attorney in Fact <br />Top of thumb here ~ TfUStee lop of thumb here <br />C Guardian or Conservator <br />^ Other: <br />Signer Is Representing: <br />®200]National Notary ASeoclatbn•9380 De Soto Ave,PO-a0.C 2402•Chatsworih, CA 81313-2402•www.NatlonelNOtaryorg Item A590] eeoMer:Call Toll-Free1-000-8]6-882] <br />