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is an equal opportunity employer and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and <br />local laws and regulations. <br />16. JURISDICTION -VENUE <br />This Agreement has been executed and delivered in the State of California and the <br />validity, interpretation, performance, and enforcement of any of the clauses of this <br />Agreement shall be determined and governed by the laws of the State of California. Both <br />parties further agree that Orange County, California, shall be the venue for any action or <br />proceeding that may be brought or arise out of, in connection with or by reason of this <br />Agreement. <br />17. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES <br />Sentry shall, throughout the term of this Agreement, maintain all licenses, <br />permits, approvals, waivers, and exemptions necessary for the provision of the services <br />hereunder and required by the laws and regulations of the United States, the State of <br />California, the City of Santa Ana and all other governmental agencies. Sentry shall <br />notify the County immediately and in writing of its inability to obtain or maintain such <br />permits, licenses, approvals, waivers, and exemptions. Said inability shall be cause for <br />termination of this Agreement. <br />18. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES <br />Sentry shall be responsible for all damages to persons and/or property that occur <br />as a result of the fault or negligence of said Sentry or its employees in connection with <br />the performance of this work. <br />19. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS <br />All work performed under this contract shall be performed in such a manner as to <br />provide required maximum safety to the public and where applicable, comply with all <br />safety standards required by CAL-OSHA. <br />20. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA) <br />Underground Alert Systems must be notified 48-hours in advance prior to <br />commencing work that involves digging underground. This notification is required for <br />each location. The telephone number is 1-800-422-4133. <br />21. HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS <br />Sentry shall maintain all work sites free of hazards to persons and/or property <br />resulting from its operations. Any hazardous condition noted by Sentry, which is not a <br />result of its operations, shall be immediately reported to the City. <br />8 <br />