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ErtsureE3 . -..- �t�as:cr %'3a F'uiiticai Sutarii�visir✓n .. <br />�c:rntits, trait cyrely ;vittt res}ar.�ct to <br />ceperati�rrns xaE�i•iEarrtraEf lay yrau ear cart yueir <br />treuYl�ulg €car wattlnfl tfle. state car p.italitirwi <br />sa.rtaclivisi+,rrr htas issued a � <br />b. WEtty react to ttse insurance a�tTcardryr! to <br />tfrcrscs �rE:SE�itartug ir-rsa.ircrl:s, this faElawing <br />��ri:ddrtiEartal exeiusEesns al:rply; <br />"1'itis irrsurdertr✓ea ctctEes retst iappty tra: <br />(7y ^`Etact�i',y injury ", ' °property darrra�gE; "' car <br />"�yEarso:aaN and advertising in}ury" <br />arisir�� caul ref ctpcnr�ticxrts prsrtvrrraec: fiai° <br />thn state nr municipality: or <br />{zj "E#sicJdiy irijuly" ar "proRerty ii.amagex" <br />irtaltecir3sl in ti'E3 °`proa-tuut- caneplete€1 <br />aperatiEaear" haa.. �r[1. <br />I. Additional tresurod — irrsnctlors <br />a. 1f'u'l -t Ca is ,aRFd EltiE.53Ul�Nm[:1 r,irtcl,:zr S�cliora �C, is <br />ramencieEi tca include rss err adr.3etiranal <br />itSea rE; Li t`t Er p�rSa�n (sj [ar ©ri„j.7rtizc'"etlGn�Sj <br />(rctrirre:d So taelcavat as vendor) slarawn in tt'tEr <br />C1ur:t<ar�rticarts z�;~ rsit AcidttiEana! Irtsures <br />`✓E =.:�Ltc�r, (taut Eanty vvlth r�xspt3rt tE:r '•Fs�crd " €7y <br />injury'" par °preiperiy darr>�ac,�e "' arising •out Qg <br />"your pnaE3Lerts" vJhiCFa are dlstrbu�ta_td cr <br />.sold in tYea re,.tutar course at thtr verncior'i <br />tausirac:ss zarrE� rsrtly if thi±� C;csvuraeger Ras't <br />prravidre5 c;ovr:erarlu for "iaeaclity njeiry" rsr <br />"propetrty dal-rt;tvaart" included within tite3 <br />"pr-ocMa.actya...t . tarriK:aactare4 operatitins t•tar_rarc! ". <br />V. ' "rt're in;;tirGrr'iE�r e!'rbreiEd to the verrcicar i4 <br />sLak>jcact to this fallowing acklitional E�xctusions_ <br />(1 j This ir'a ur:�rtci� efoe�as peat apply tea:. <br />(aj °'13cr}iiy trijury" #;sr "gsrttpa:rtjf <br />daat-EagE3" €csr whicf-r tyre vendor is <br />ct€aliyutE"d trs isa�y datttrsgfls t'-'Y <br />rr�ason of tflP :•�ssuntption Eaf <br />labiit #y In a contract or agreement. <br />"phis exclusion does neat apply to <br />lakaillty itar damac,�es tftat tt�E3 <br />varnelcr €• wa7ati;� have: ire ti-ae :atasencc <br />r3P tltc� reAntract or a±�retmrner�t, <br />(by Aray Express warranty: <br />iArteerrtitrai i�E>et by you; <br />[c) .a'4n}i' paysiaaE or cE7emicai charrgE; <br />in tflEy prcaciuct naacte ii�terrtaortalty <br />t�:/ th,P venryar; <br />��, f�c.p:ai:kac�irsq. unless unN.aack�tc3 <br />scal�Ey fret tit:e� pairposca of insgaectiort, <br />dsnagnstratiOn, ter>Ung., tsr Yfi E3 <br />sudsl'rtutiort rsf prASrta urtdf3r <br />insai'ucticar:�r li�•raart ttt<t rrtanufaE�ec €t:r, <br />arac9 the °ra r�rpackaged ir7 the prigin;�I <br />cnntai nc:. r; <br />Forme SS 4d U8 Ci4 415 <br />Bll5lhtES9 LIA�lt4,ETY GCiVEt:tst.GlE N °[�FZM <br />[cj .arty ftaiEt,ree ta.� make saaete <br />inspections, r.�d�ustrxtr_oats,. t�ESSis crr <br />senrEring sa thEw v[;ncJryr teas ac�ra�.t <br />to ra�ak�: rtr rrtTn�aEEy r.indESrtr�k?s tra <br />make in the usual rxaursr :tt <br />tia.151rtL35Ey, ir3 CC9T1r7�:^- crteE:,rt th'itt'r tttE' <br />disiriial_rtian ar sale rst -that prociuc:is; <br />(P} L"}t�ntrsitstraticrn, irtEStJiE�rtion, <br />serviE:ir�r} cn• reNaair caN.'sr rat €E>ns, <br />s3xt-a:N:rt i7uctt ugter:�atior?s grerfrarrttec# <br />et ttre veradar's premisE;s in <br />E:cannecticAn with tt-rEA sa�Ne r>f tta�x <br />�+rcyd ueat; <br />(yj Prradu€:ts whicha„ aft�Ear distriEautiui7 <br />Ear sair� tty yiiu„ Itit,v✓Et lacr.�rirt ta�r!Ied <br />ear rE.t�3taekFr::�ct ear arstl;et .ts a <br />cr,�nt;�inckr, part cep iri�r�acS'aE7rat Eaf cloy <br />cttFt€ar #nirtcF or sutastarrcEe lay Ear fcaa° <br />ihc� +�anciaa; crr <br />�nj "Bed'iiy irtjur•y "' car "lrrsFa�trty <br />rir�rttagar" arhsin� drat ref then a;rait <br />nexglir,}. c�rrae cat tPer3 uESracior irar Etu <br />yawn cats car Earnl.,slna"is or tttcA;3E� caf <br />ifs ttrrrl:�loY�eS or hrayiynEE PN�C: <br />a:.tint7 Ean 'ttEa behalf.. htcrwvEyvPr, iftlES <br />axcitistean ti�Aes nest ap�riy ro_ <br />[ay l�flEr Exr,.eNatr�brts �.;crr�t,t +ricrs.9 rrt <br />SEabgattrar�ra[afts {d} tyr 1fj; par <br />R;ilj :3ueh inspcataticaa'ts, <br />�iellu;�tr'rirarotrr to :stti a�rr sc:rvirair•r €:� <br />,.aa the venrtor' it;.��� ti�g €a1ed in <br />neat <c car ncarrr?::r98y urecic�r#:riceu <br />tca makc: in the uaaiar cvvrse: of <br />f7E.asiness, in clannrw•ctiLan xritt -1 <br />ttae d =stritiution ar saYSA of the <br />p rr�daacts _ <br />�2j "1 "his insaarancEj dc;aes rrEat apply to ;ire *,r <br />ir-lsured raE3reoe� car r.rgani�E3tican frran� <br />wt�cnt ptsv bawl, prNUireet stAr.ta <br />products, rrr c'iny' Inr�re:dient, {sett par <br />crsrtt�tintar, c:ritc:rireta ir�tca_ <br />:acwcampi�nyia�r� ear i-.a�rtfi:�irair�a,� �urh <br />prrr9ucls. <br />8. Addltlonal tnsurod — Controllinr� trttor ®st <br />'WHEN I� A.€+I IN�sU��13 urrrls�r '..SEnc'.tir�n C. i:Y <br />arntar'rd+:3d tC) irai:lUr:i4 r "x5S Er r1 rcaCldrA4ane1 artsc.arE::r:9 <br />the pE;r- s•an(s� ear arganSzeatian4.$) sttiowarn in €he <br />i.3E:clarations as �3n I•?.rxctitar7a,1 Irastart.;� ...- <br />C�'caratri�CEn�E lrtt+�rEast, tsEit Early rewitla re.:�clara.t #<, <br />their- lialaiEity arisin€� trEitca,t- <br />a. Their fkaaracir�l ccarttreE rat yrau; raa- <br />6.. F'r!en�iac:s tltsayr o,.vn,. rrtetint�.rirr or E:cantral <br />WliiEr yCati iFi"tSL' car EaGi.:l.i F; tl7 E'tiE:3 �7t't; l'YIISE':r. <br />Pralge 15 of 2� <br />I IIIIIII III IIIIIII IIII VIII IIIIII IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII �,." ",e,v,,,, ",. ",,,a, "s, ",,,,,,,,, <br />