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NS-2791 - Amending Santa Ana Municipal Code to Update City's Regulation of Graffiti
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2009 (NS-2779 - NS-2802)
NS-2791 - Amending Santa Ana Municipal Code to Update City's Regulation of Graffiti
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Last modified
1/3/2012 1:00:16 PM
Creation date
8/25/2009 4:48:33 PM
City Clerk
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Amend Section 10-221 to 10-233
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person who places graffiti on any public or private property in such amounts <br />approved by the City Council. In the event of multiple contributors of information, w+ <br />the reward amount shall be divided by the city in a manner it shall deem <br />appropriate. For the purposes of this section, diversion of the offending violator to a <br />community service program, or a plea bargain to a lesser offense, shall constitute <br />a conviction. <br />(b) Claims for rewards under this section shall be filed with the City in a <br />manner specified by City Council. <br />(c) The person convicted of committing the graffiti offense shall be liable <br />for any rewards paid pursuant to this section and, if that person is an <br />unemancipated minor, the custodial parent of said minor shall be liable for any <br />rewards paid pursuant to this section. In the event of damage to public or private <br />property, the offender or the parents or legal guardian of any unemancipated minor <br />must reimburse the City for any reward paid. <br />(d) No law enforcement officer, municipal officer, official or employee of the <br />City shall be eligible for a reward made pursuant to this section. <br />(e) No claim for a reward shall be allowed unless the City investigates <br />and verifies the accuracy of the claim and determines that the requirements of this <br />section have been satisfied. <br />Sec. 10-227. Graffiti as a Nuisance; City Abatement. <br />(a) The existence of graffiti within the city limits of Santa Ana constitutes <br />a public and private nuisance and may be abated according to the provisions and <br />procedures contained in this Article. <br />(b) Removal by the Perpetrator. Any person applying graffiti on public or <br />private property shall have the duty to remove the graffiti within twenty-four (24) <br />hours after notice by the City or private owner of the property involved. Such <br />removal shall be done in a manner prescribed by the Executive Director of Public <br />Works or other designated City official. Failure of any person to remove graffiti <br />shall constitute an additional violation of this Ordinance. Where graffiti is applied <br />by a minor, the parents or legal guardian having custody and control of the minor <br />shall also be responsible for such removal. <br />(c) Removal by City. Whenever the City becomes aware of or is notified <br />and determines that graffiti is located on publicly or privately owned property <br />capable of being viewed from any public right-of-way or from a public or quasi- <br />public place, the City is authorized to use public funds to remove the graffiti, by <br />painting, repairing, water blasting, or other graffiti removal technique, to that <br />Ordinance No. NS-2791 <br />Page 8 of 13 <br />
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