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WSA_Youth and Family Master Plan Phase I - September 2009
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
WSA_Youth and Family Master Plan Phase I - September 2009
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Last modified
9/27/2017 4:23:46 PM
Creation date
10/14/2009 10:13:47 AM
City Clerk
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As park and field availability is limited, communities often have to take a very organized approach to <br />facilitating shared and joint use. In Santa Ana, where demand is high and space is often in short supply, <br />poor management of field use agreements has led to disagreements over which teams and sport leagues <br />get access to which fields (Barboza, 2008}. <br />Another area of analysis explored how the Parks & Recreation Department prioritizes park areas for <br />reinvigoration and renovation. In particular, it is evident that more open spaces are needed within the <br />areas of highest need than the city alone can provide with its current minor deferred maintenance and <br />major deferred maintenance planning. Currently, there is not an allotted, ongoing budget directly for park <br />improvements. Essentially, when the city wants to improve a particular park, it applies for grant funding <br />either through federal, state or matching programs to fund it. This method has lead to certain recent <br />projects such as synthetic turf in certain parks. <br />The only constant funding stream for minor deferred maintenance received by the city is from the carnival <br />promoters- hosting approximately 10 carnivals per year in Santa Ana. This gives the city approximately <br />$67,000 in revenue for minor deferred maintenance annually. However, for 2008, the total cost for this <br />upkeep was just over $1.5 million.19 Of the 36 projects identified in 2007-2009 for minor maintenance, <br />two of them are within the most park-poor communities in Santa Ana. <br />The Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) listing published by the city all have identified funding sources. <br />Therefore, although the CIP project list annually cannot be used as aforward-looking planning tool but <br />rather as a listing of what has already secured funding, it is useful to identify where the city is investing in <br />parks. In terms of other funding streams targeted to park improvements, the Acquisition & Development <br />(A&D) funds paid by developers in the past (on residential development only} have decreased in recent <br />years. Currently, these A&D funds cannot be used for deferred maintenance, but only for new park <br />developments based on the cities four zones and the park needs for each of these. From the City of <br />Santa Ana CIPs for FY 2007-2008 and FY 2008-2009, we can see the following park improvements have <br />been made. <br />Table 3. City of Santa Ana Capital Improvement Projects (2007-08 and 2008-09) <br />YEAR PROJECT <br />AMOUNT LOCATION <br />2007-2008 Civic Center Bridges Renovation $289,000 <br />Civic Center Fountain Renovation $645,000 <br />Civic Center Parton St. Landscaping $100,000 <br />EI Salvador Park Pool Renovation $88,475 <br />Fisher Park Improvements $150,000 <br />MacArthur Blvd. Bike Trail Enhancement $46,660 <br />Memorial Park Pool Resurfacing $150,000 <br />Park Improvements $400,000 <br />Sandpointe Park Improvements $350,000 <br />Santa Ana Zoo "Tierra de las Pampas" $92,000 <br />Santa Ana Zoo New Lights $51,000 <br />Santiago Creek Bike Trail Extension $655,280 <br />Santiago Park Habitat Restoration $100,00 <br />Santiago Park Trailhead Project $100,000 <br />Thornton Park Playground Improvements $150,000 <br />2008-2009 "Centennial Sanctuary" Peninsula Waterflow at $125,000 <br />Centennial Park <br />19 The amount of funding identified for Major Deferred Maintenance for 2008 was approximately $23 million. <br /> <br />
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