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ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY EXPENDITURE DETAIL <br />The Scope of work included the following eligible activities and performance involved with each. Now please provide <br />a narrative and cost detail of the expenses that will be charged under each activity below. Also include information <br />on contracts that will be entered into. Each category should match the amount requested on Exhibit B. <br />Case Management <br />Case Management <br />Case Management <br />Outreach and Enaaaement (H <br />Santa Ana HPRP Funds <br />$ 38,203.00' <br />$ 38,203 <br />and when <br />Expenditure Category Amount of Santa Ana HPRP Funds <br />Outreach and Engagement $ 14,326.00' <br />Outreach and Engagement $ 14,326 <br />Housing Search and Placement <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />