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SE71rTRY <br />Investment Summary Page, <br />August 31, 2009 <br />9842 G/enoaks Boulevard Quote Valid for 30 Davs <br />Sun Valley. CA 91352•f046 <br />Phone 818.252.5700 Fax 818.252.0400 Protect Description Change Omer 7500 SKIDATA Smartcards <br />Account Executive Grant Johnson <br />r-----:-------.__.-----_.-_--_ Proposal: GJ-40036-38 <br />>+ -- <br />JOb Name: County Of Orange py~~ Operator: <br />System Type: Parking Property Manager: <br />Prima Product Lirw: SkiData euudir~ n,....r- <br />Customer. County of Orange R D M D Customer: County of Orange. P`F R D <br />Address: 300 N Flower Address: Twin Towers parking office <br />Santa Ana. CA 92703 Santa Ana, CA 92703 <br />Contact: Gall Dennis Contact: Ron Kozma <br />Phons: (714) 834-590t Job Conbct TiUefRNaUonship: Site Manager <br />Fax: - Phone: (714; 834-54t7 <br />Email Address: Gad Denni rdmd. Fax: Rtxt.Kozma rtlmd. ov com <br />r--". _T. -~ -_.---- <br />x <br />---- <br />Sarvloe Contrar.K Typr. Time 8 Ma[enal - <br />Start Dab: ,S~ l) <br />End Dab: -_ <br />.. <br />~ <br />Duration (Months): wA 12 . _ _ _ - <br />Warranty on Tatar (Monthl~ <br />Monthl Ptymant: NIA Wa.ranry on 12 <br />Total System Investment: :55,087 <br />Purchasing Agreement with Terms a Coraltion:: <br />Installation ncNDes mounorg equipment 65te0 on me abachetl epusmiera sst Sentry wis assambk ant test me system arW rn0 Verify that rt operates properly <br />ADaonment A (Scope ~ installation Work) Defines wr respectne respansi!>itiaes Sentry vntl provkte trairnng up to me hours stator above. Adtlilianal trarorp <br />can be scnetlulad and vnll be PfoVl00tl at the rate of 5950 !b par tlty The cost of requiretl permits n rat includeD in mis proposal The deposit stateD above is <br />due upon acceptance of this proposal vw will x Geed Nat 30 as equipmdtt a DesMred to Senty. wDh Ute balance due upon competon. A canceeatan or <br />restocking charge of t0% may be assessed on carrcelle0 orders Speaal order items may carry up to t 00% cancseatjpn/restackuq {~ b~eD on lactpry rplum <br />pdibRS This proposal ~s covered untler the CalDomia Metharva Lien Laws tlescnbeD by the CaMOmia Consfiurtion ArtiUe XIV Sectwn 3. Invaces not pai0 <br />whin gie terms d mrs propose are subject to SerVtce Charges at gte rate of 2 0% per manor. In the event outsde meDiatian is necessary for the colkctiai <br />of ar urpartl mVdce. the walomer is respansiD~e tar coaectian costs an0 reasonable attorneys fees W arranry begins upon subst~dal completion. <br />t 1 i I <br />Accepted6 fSi n) ~ ~a.l~.. .,t5<~yr,~" Accepted By(Print)~~, N f•o~r+~~ Date~gj3i~0~~ <br />-`, r~ - c ., ei..- :. ~Y~. ; f.< "r <<.!t rfdl4 to N'r> ~• G., _ n _1 :nn _ , N1..- . <br />Submitted By (Sign) - Submitted By (Pant) Date <br />varawn to o <br />