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plus the percentage specified in the Contractor's bid proposal. All <br />materials and parts shall be new or have the approval of the Enterprise <br />Management Section if otherwise. The City has the right to inspect the <br />Contractor's records to verify any material costs used in extraordinary <br />maintenance. The City may provide replacement poles and fixtures. <br />(ii) Direct Labor: Contractor shall furnish a monthly report of hours spent in <br />extraordinary maintenance of street light and appurtenances per address. <br />City shall pay the Contractor for such hours of extraordinary maintenance <br />performed at the job site address at the rates specified on the Contractor's <br />bid proposal. Crews shall be dispatched so as to maximize work <br />performed. Said hourly rates shall be the total cost to the City. Rates shall <br />include all compensation for wages, profit, overhead, any fringe benefits <br />such as employer payments to, or on behalf of worker for health and <br />welfare, insurance, worker's compensation, pension, vacation, sick leave or <br />any local, State, Federal or union tax or assessment. <br />(iii)Equipment. City shall pay Contractor for equipment used in extraordinary <br />maintenance on a per day basis rate as specified in the Contractor's bid <br />proposal. Equipment shall be dispatched so as to maximize work <br />performed <br />• The Contractor's listing of per day equipment rates shall constitute total <br />rates to be paid by City when specified equipment is used. <br />• As used herein per day shall mean the furnishing at the site of <br />extraordinary maintenance work the equipment specified. The per day <br />rate shall be independent of the length of time the equipment is in the <br />City. <br />No additional compensation shall be paid for transporting the <br />equipment to or from the job site <br />(e) The Contractor shall submit weekly reports, when repairs are in progress, in <br />a format approved by Enterprise Management, and shall be submitted on a <br />3.5" disk (in addition to hard copy). Format to be MS Windows Excel <br />spreadsheet. Weekly reports shall include arrival and departure times, dates <br />and addresses of the repairs, service personnel dispatched, types of repairs <br />made, and all materials and equipment used for each day worked. Weekly <br />reports shall be submitted by Monday the following week. <br />(f) The Contractor shall provide to the Enterprise Management Section As -Built <br />Maps of all work performed on a form approved by the City. As Builts shall <br />indicate the address and description of all repairs made including installation <br />of pull boxes, splices and connections, etc. As Builts shall be submitted <br />following each day's work performed. <br />1V. SUMMARY REPORTS <br />Contractor shall furnish the following reports but not limited to: <br />20 <br />