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ATTACHMENT A <br /> City: Stanton <br /> The City of Stanton proposes to use the 2009 Justice Assistance Grant funding as <br /> follows: <br /> Project Objectives (Type of programs to be funded and need for the programs; refer to <br /> solicitation) <br /> The City of Stanton is a diverse community presenting unique challenges for law <br /> enforcement. A large Mexican immigrant population and the resulting language barrier can <br /> cause a gap between residents, businesses and law enforcement providers. In many cases <br /> immigrant residents are fearful of police due to their immigration status. Stanton is home <br /> to several active criminal street gangs which use fear and intimidation of residents as a <br /> method for ensuring many crimes are never reported to police. <br /> T <br /> hrou him lementation of <br /> g p community policing practices we intend to increase awareness <br /> and positive interaction among residents, business owners and law enforcement in a <br /> community effort to reduce crime. Reducing crimes against persons and businesses will <br /> help ensure that the City of Stanton has an active and flourishing business community <br /> supported by its residents. It is a commonly recognized fact that public support is <br /> necessary for business to flourish. This is also the case for police effectiveness in <br /> accomplishing their core mission of preventing crime. Building relationships with the <br /> public increases police legitimacy and affects how well they can control crime. <br /> Goals of the project: <br /> To increase interaction between law enforcement and the community by the use of <br /> overtime to place personnel into problem areas of the City, either on foot, bicycle or patrol <br /> car and supplement the Neighborhood Watch Program. Their efforts will be directed to <br /> combat a growing graffiti and gang problem. These will be done in an effort to build a <br /> better partnership with the community and in helping to reduce crime and blight in the <br /> City of Stanton. <br /> Strategies to be used, or project: <br /> Staff will determine target areas for which personnel will utilize crimes and calls for service <br /> data and work with the OCSD Crime analysis unit to patrol during times that have higher <br /> activity levels. The target areas will be chosen based upon level of calls for service, citizen <br /> complaints, Part I and II crimes. The type of area will also determine the type of patrol to <br /> be used, certain high density housing areas will use either foot or bicycle patrol. Larger <br /> sprawling gang areas may require a vehicle. <br /> <br /> 2009- DJ-BX-0033 Page 24 of 27 <br /> 20A-31 <br /> <br />