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previous agreements relating to the same subject matter or activities as this Agreement, <br />together with any instruments, loans, grants or advances by SUBRECIPIENT on behalf of <br />CITY, in furtherance of the activities hereunder or thereof. <br />SUBRECIPIENT's obligations and responsibilities set forth in this paragraph <br />"XI. REVERSION OF ASSETS," and in paragraphs XII. TERMINATION" and <br />"III. P s a not be affected by the termination o is_ _ greement and <br />sha survive e a e o termination of this Agreement for such period of time as CITY <br />and/or HUD deems necessary for the res onsibilities, <br />performed and completed to the satisfaction of CITY and and obligations to be <br />XI. TERMINATION <br />A. This Agreement may be terminated on thirty (30) days' written notice by <br />either party. In the event of such termination, SUBRECIPIENT shall only be entitled- to <br />reimbursement for approved expenses incurred to the effective date of termination. <br />B. This Agreement may be suspended or terminated by CITY upon five 5 <br />days' written notice for violation by SUBRECIPIENT of the terms and conditions of the this <br />agreement or applicable State or Federal requirements. in the event of such suspension <br />or termination, SUBRECIPIENT shall only be entitled to reimbursement for approved <br />expenses incurred up to the effective date of suspension or termination. <br />C. In the event SUBRECIPIENT defaults by failing to fulfill all or any of its <br />obligations hereunder, CITY may declare a default and termination of this Agreement by <br />written notice to SUBRECIPIENT, which default and termination shall be effective on a <br />date stated in the notice which is to be not less than ten (10) days after certified mailing or <br />personal service of such notice, unless such default is cured before the effective date of <br />termination stated in such notice. If terminated for cause, CITY shall be relieved of further <br />liability or responsibility under this Agreement, or as a result of the termination thereof, <br />including the payment of money, except for payment for approved expenses incurred for <br />services satisfactorily and timely performed prior to the mailing or service of the notice of <br />termination, and except for reimbursement of (1) any payments made for services not <br />subsequently performed in a timely and satisfactory manner, and (2) costs incurred by <br />CITY in obtaining substitute performance. <br />D. The grant of funds by City to SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement <br />may be terminated for convenience upon two weeks written notice to SUBRECIPIENT. <br />Page 9}} of 11 <br />