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•- <br />. ,~,~ ~ssEx .r~rsu.R,A.ty-c~ corn~~.~ <br />ADDiT10NAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT <br />' fnr cvrkvW it sAo..rr » tM Cont~.on O+ctiarcna Nr+o <br />'ATTACNEO To Ahd foRnaHG "'t °slia`~y rA~ ~f/~div~ af~t~ of big ~'+~s~.:ar~r 11 !M aaM~ ss rA~ ifl~ct7v~ <br />-PART OF POUCT NO. 'EFfECT1NE MTE 'ISSIfEb YO ~r~ of u, <br />OF ENUOaSF~T _ <br />2AE8540 O1j10/99 - -- - - <br />~ ~C lai/UF.I,OPME~v'r CORPORATION <br />THIS ENDORSEMt_NT CHANGES THE POLICY. READ iT CAREt=ULtY. <br />i - ~ . <br />SECTION 1! -WHO tS AN INSURED of the Commercial General Liability Form is amended to inclu _ <br />Person or Entity: CITY OF SANTA ANA de <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGFNCX ~ ' <br />M-25 <br />- P.O, BOX 1988 <br />SANTA A)\A, CA 92707-1988 <br />~~A$ RESPECTS THE ABOVE PPRSON OR ORGANIZATION, TIiIS INSURANCE IS PRTM.4RY." <br />as an additional insured under this policy, but only as respects negligent acts or omissions of the <br />Named Insured and only for occurrences, claims or coverage not otherwise excluded in the polic , <br />It ~ further agreed that where no coverage shall a 1 ~ y <br />defense shall be afforded to the above identified additiv arl insured Named Insured, r)o coverage nor <br />Moreover, it is agreed that no coverage shall be afforded to the above identified additional insured fo <br />any bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage to any employee of the Named Insured or to any <br />obligation of the additional insured to indemnify another because of damages arising out of such in-ur <br />1 Y- <br />Additional Premium: <br />~i <br />MlE-009 (3/95) <br />-~/ }ass <br />DATE <br />AUTHORIZES REPf~ESENTATIVE <br />