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. CITY and the United State Govemment and/or their representatives shall <br />have access for purposes of monitoring, auditing, and examining SUBRECIPIENTs <br />activities and performance, to books, documents and papers, and the right to examine <br />records of SUBRECiPIENTs subcontractors, bookkeepers and accountants, employees <br />and participants in regard to said program. CITY and- the United States Govemment <br />and/or their representatives shall also schedule on-site monitoring at their discretion. <br />Monitoring activities may also include, but are not limited to, questioning. employees and <br />participants in said program and enterin an <br />9 y premises or any site in which any of the <br />services or activities funded. hereunder are conducted or in which any of the records of <br />SUBRECIPIENT are kept. Nothing herein shall be construed to require access to any <br />privileged or confidential information as set forth in federal or state law. <br />In the event SUBRECIPIENT does not make the above-referenced <br />documents available within the city of Santa Ana, Califomia, SUBRECIPIENT agrees to <br />pay all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by CITY in conducting any audit at <br />the location where said records and books of account are maintained. <br />F. All accounting records and evidence pertaining to all costs of <br />SUBRECIPIENT and all documents related to this Agreement shall be kept available at <br />SUBRECIPIENTs office or place of business for the duration of the Agreement and <br />thereafter for four (4) years after completion of an audit. Records which relate to <br />(a) complaints, claims, administrative proceedings or litigation arising out of the <br />performance of this Agreement, or (b) costs and expenses of this Agreement to which <br />CITY or any other governmental agency takes exception, shall be retained beyond the four <br />(4) years until resolution or disposition of such appeals, litigation; claims, or exceptions. <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply fully with all federal, state and local laws and <br />court orders applicable to its operation whether or not referred to in this Agreement. <br />G. SUBRECIPIENT shall be in good standing, without suspension by the ' <br />Califomia Secretary of State, Franchise Tax Board and. Internal Revenue Service. Any <br />change in the corporate status or suspension of SUBRECIPIENT shall be reported <br />immediately to CITY. <br />H. Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall, where applicable, maintain the confidential nature of information <br />provided to it concerning participants in accordance with the requirements of federal and <br />state law. However, SUBRECIPIENT shall submit to CITY and or HUD or its <br />representatives, all records requested, including audit, examinations, monitoring and <br />verifications of reports submitted by SUBRECIPIENT, costs incurred and services <br />rendered hereunder. <br />Page 3}} of 11 <br />