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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
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Last modified
1/3/2012 4:10:54 PM
Creation date
2/24/2010 3:55:00 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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BUILDING M~RIG' <br /> SECTION 5. <br /> The Railroad, at the City's expense, shall maintain the crossing between the track tie ends. If, <br /> in the future, the City elects to have the surfacing material between the track tie ends replaced with <br /> paving or some surfacing material other than timber planking, the Railroad, at City's expense, shall <br /> install such replacement surfacing. <br /> SECTION 6. <br /> A. The City, at its sole cost and expense, shall provide traffic control, barricades, and all detour <br /> signing for the crossing work, provide all labor, material and equipment to install concrete or <br /> asphalt street approaches, and if required, will install advanced warning signs, and pavement <br /> markings in compliance and conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control <br /> Devices. <br /> B. The City, at its expense, shall maintain and repair all portions of the Roadway approaches <br /> that are not within the track tie ends. <br /> SECTION 7. <br /> If City's contractor(s) is/are performing any work described in Section 4 above, then the City <br /> shall require its contractor(s) to execute the Railroad's standard and current form of Contractor's <br /> Right of Entr~greement attached hereto as Exhibit C. City acknowledges receipt of a copy of the <br /> Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement and understanding of its terms, provisions, and requirements, <br /> and will inform its contractor(s) of the need to execute the Agreement. Under no circumstances will <br /> the City's contractor(s) be allowed onto the Railroad's premises without first executing the <br /> Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement. <br /> SECTION 8. <br /> Fiber optic cable systems may be buried on the Railroad's property. Protection of the fiber <br /> optic cable systems is of extreme importance since any break could disrupt service to users resulting <br /> in business interruption and loss of revenue and profits. City or its contractor(s) shall telephone the <br /> Railroad during normal business hours (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Central Time, Monday through <br /> Friday, except holidays) at 1-800-336-9193 (also a 24-hour number, 7 day number for emergency <br /> calls) to determine if fiber optic cable is buried anywhere on the Railroad's premises to be used by <br /> the City or its contractor(s). If it is, City or its contractor(s) will telephone the telecommunications <br /> company(ies) involved, arrange for a cable locator, and make arrangements for relocation or other <br /> rotection of the fiber o tic cable rior to be innin an work on the Railroad's r mis s <br /> P P P g g y pe e. <br /> SECTION 9. <br /> The City, for itself and for its successors and assigns, hereby waives any right of assessment <br /> against the Railroad, a5 an adjacent property owner, for any and all improvements made under this <br /> agreement. <br /> SECTION 10. <br /> Covenants herein shall inure to or bind each party's successors and assigns; provided, no right <br /> of the City shall be transferred or assigned, either voluntarily or involuntarily, except by express prior <br /> <br /> Supplemental Public Road Xing ~aQe 3=f4 revised January 28, 2010 ~I <br /> Form Approved, AVP-Law /V~'A 7 <br /> <br />
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