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herein or offered pursuant to this Agreement or the Program from any other SCE <br />program or from any other utility, state or local program. <br />$.4. The Parties shall take reasonable steps to minimize or avoid the provision of <br />incentives or services for the same measures provided under the Program fioin <br />another program or other funding source ("double-dipping"). <br />9. REPORTING <br />9.1. Reporting Requirements. The Parties shall implement those reporting <br />requirements set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto, as the same may be amended <br />from time to time, or until the Commission otherwise requires or issues different or <br />updated reporting requirements for the Program, in which case and at which time <br />such Commission-approved reporting requirements shall replace the requirements <br />set forth in Exhibit E in their entirety. <br />10. PAYMENTS <br />10.1. Partner Budget <br />10.1.1. Maximum Budget: The Partner Budget is set forth in Exhibit <br />B to this Agreement and represents the City's maximum share of the <br />Program's three-year Authorized Budget. Additionally, Exhibit B sets <br />forth the maximum non-Incentive budget on a periodic basis during <br />the Pa•ogram. The City shall not be entitled to compensation in excess <br />of the Partner Budget (either on a periodic basis or in total), without <br />written authorization by SCE and receipt of a revised Exhibit B. <br />Consistent with Commission directives to maximize cost-effectiveness <br />and energy savings, the Partner Budgot set forth in Exhibit B may be <br />reallocated or adjusted at any time by SCE in its sole discretion, <br />based upon SCE's evaluation of the City's commitment to, and <br />progress toward the City's energy savings goals set forth herein. <br />10.1.2. Tracking: SCE will track the City's performance against the <br />objectives set forth in Section 4.2 hereof, including tracking (or <br />estimating) achievement towards the specific energy savings and <br />demand reduction goals set forth in Exhibit B, and will provide such <br />tracking information to the City on a regular basis, but in no event <br />less than quarterly. The tracking will enable SCE, to {i) properly <br />allocate the Authorized Budget among all the Energy Leader <br />Partnerships according to their individual performance and <br />achievement of respective goals and objectives, (ii) confirm or amend <br />the Partner Budget, set forth in Exhibit B hereto, based on the City's <br />performance of the goals and objectives set forth in this Agreement; <br />and {iii) determine/verify the City's eligibility to move to a new <br />Energy Leader Level as described in Section 3.2 hereof. <br />ENERGY LEADER PARTTVERSHIP PROGRAM AGREEMENT 10 <br />