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<br />5/05 <br /> <br />all residential property that is under its ownership, possession, or control and/or residential prop- <br />erty occupied by persons or families that receive financial or other assistance from <br />SUBRECIPIENT, except as exempted as described in subsection 4(d)(i)(I) above. <br /> <br />(1) Ongoing maintenance includes confirmation of clearance which shall <br />be conducted to confIrm that no LBP hazards remain when LBP hazard reduction work is com- <br />plete. <br /> <br />(2) Ongoing maintenance also includes confIrmation of clearance by writ- <br />ten certification of a qualified inspector on an annual basis in connection with submittal of the <br />April 15 quarterly report. <br /> <br />(3) A part of such ongoing maintenance obligation includes notifIcation of <br />the results of clearance confIrmation and annual confirmation of clearance. <br /> <br />a. SUBRECIPIENT shall cause to be provided a notice to all oc- <br />cupants of all residential property that is under its ownership, possession, or control and/or resi- <br />dential property occupied by persons or families that receive financial or other assistance from <br />SUBRECIPIENT in accordance with Sections 35.125(b)(I) and (c), describing the results of the <br />clearance examination and the results of annual certification. <br /> <br />(g) Units Cleared Prior to Date of Aereement: Confirmation of Clearance. <br />In the event the requirements of the LBP REGS relating to lead hazard evaluation, lead hazard <br />reduction, and lead hazard clearance have been completed on the subject dwelling units prior to <br />the Date of Agreement, then the SUBRECIPIENT shall provide to the CITY with the April 15 <br />quarterly report a certificate from a qualified inspector evidencing a recent inspection and con- <br />firmation of clearance ofLBP and LBP hazards from the subject dwelling unites). <br /> <br />5. LBP Informational Summary. For purposes of information only and in no <br />respect intended to be a representation or warranty of the provisions of the LBP REGS, the CITY <br />has caused to be prepared an information summary relating to the LBP REGS and application to <br />dwelling units that may be occupied by recipients of services and/or funding from <br />SUBRECIPIENT under this Agreement. Attachment No.4 to this Agreement, attached and he- <br />reby fully incorporated by this reference, is such information summary. CITY staff will coope- <br />rate with and make themselves available to SUBRECIPIENT to assist in implementation of <br />compliance with the LBP REGS as to residential dwelling units to be assisted by <br />SUB RECIPIENT. The parties acknowledge and agree the CITY is and shall not be liable or re- <br />sponsible for the accuracy of such summary, and the SUBRECIPENT is directed to the LBP <br />REGS and implementing guidance published and provided by HUD relating to compliance with <br />such LBP REGS. <br /> <br />B. Amount of Grant; Ouarterly Disbursement and Match Funds. The amount <br />granted to SUB RECIPIENT is $5.000 ("ESG FUNDS"), and such funds shall be expended by <br />SUBRECIPIENT on or before June 30, 2010. The ESG FUNDS shall be disbursed by CITY to <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />~_._-'_._- <br />