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<br />BudQet Narrative <br />Goodwill has developed a budget of $259,985 for the purpose of expanding the Future <br />Business Owners Program (FBOP). Goodwill is requesting $180,830 in funding from the <br />City of Santa Ana for the purpose of facilitating the proposed program. Goodwill intends <br />to make up the difference of $79,155 through program fees and in-kind or non-federal <br />funding. Goodwill typically receives $17,500 in non-federal funding support through <br />foundation/corporate donations. Due to the proposed expansion of the program, <br />Goodwill is confident that it can increase this number to $20,000 beginning in 2010. <br />Goodwill will be providing $37,320 of in-kind items such as computers and furniture for <br />staff and the computer lab. The remaining balance of the budget, $21,835 will be <br />covered by program fees. <br /> <br />Personnel <br />The costs associated with meeting the staffing needs of the program will be funded <br />through the requested WIA-ARRA funding. <br /> <br />Direct Program Staff <br />Program Manager (FT) - 50% of salary - WIB/ARRA funding - $30,000 <br />Program Coordinator (FT) - 100% of salary - WIB/ARRA funding - $31,500 <br />Instructor (FT) - 100% of salary - WIB/ARRA - $36,666 <br /> <br />Rent <br />Goodwill has a location located on Gary St in Santa Ana that will be used for this <br />program. It is anticipated that the office space and computer lab will total approximately <br />1000 square feet at a rate of $2.00 per square foot for 12 months, $24,000 has been <br />budgeted for rent. <br /> <br />Equipment <br />Goodwill proposes to provide all computer equipment and desks needed for staff and <br />the computer lab as in-kind matching funding. This includes 3 computers for the direct <br />staff and 15 computers for the computer lab at a cost of $1040 each. This also includes <br />15 workstations (desks) for the computer lab computers at a cost of $1000 each and 3 <br />office desks with hutch for direct program staff at a cost of $1200 each. <br /> <br />Indirect Cost Rate <br />The indirect cost of $15,235 was calculated at a rate of 9.2%. <br /> <br />Customer Training <br />At an approximate total cost of $90 per student, client training supplies include the <br />NxLevel workbooks/textbooks that will be used by the students, the notebooks that they <br />will need to store them in and basic classroom supplies. Goodwill has proposed that <br />over 160 individuals will enroll in the course during the program year costing <br />approximately, $14,400. It is proposed that $1,435 of this amount be allotted to the <br />purchase of water, coffee, and snacks for classes and orientation meetings. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT F <br />