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City of Santa Ana <br />i Proposal for the Bender Ready -Mix Concrete Manufacturing Project <br />pW- Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />11. SCOPE OF WORK <br />The following Scope of Work has been prepared pursuant to the information received from the City. <br />The cost estimate, which is itemized according to task and issue, is included in Section IX (Budget). <br />1.0 PROJECT KICK-OFF AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The work program will be initiated with a kick-off meeting with City representatives to discuss the <br />project features in greater detail. This initial meeting is vital to the success of the CEQA process <br />and will be a key milestone in order to confirm the parameters of the analysis, project construction <br />program, proposed buildout conditions, scheduling and overall communications. Prior to the kick- <br />off, RBF will distribute a kick-off meeting agenda and detailed memorandum, which will identify <br />information needs. The project kick-off will include a visit to the site and recording of on -site and <br />adjacent land use conditions. Based upon the detailed project information obtained at the project <br />kick-off, RBF will draft a preliminary project description for review and approval by City staff. <br />Task 1.0 Deliverables: <br />• Kick -Off Meeting Agenda <br />• Kick -Off Meeting Memorandum <br />• Preliminary Project Description <br />2.0 RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION <br />RBF will evaluate the necessary information with respect to the proposed project. Project research <br />will include coordination with the City to acquire relevant environmental data, previous studies for the <br />area and other available files, exhibits, maps, and reference documents. The initial investigation will <br />include a site visit, review of existing land uses and environmental conditions, and a photographic <br />recording of on -site and surrounding uses. <br />3.0 FOCUSED STUDIES <br />3A AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS <br />The existing air environment will be described in terms of meteorology, local topography affecting <br />pollutant dispersion, and ambient air monitoring data. A summary of current air management efforts <br />that may be related to the proposed project will be provided with particular emphasis on the <br />applicable requirements of the 2007 Air Quality Management Plan (2007 AQMP), and the <br />requirements for air quality assessments identified in the South Coast Air Quality Management <br />District's CEQA Handbook. Sensitive receptor areas within the project vicinity will be identified. <br />The air quality impacts of the proposed project can be divided into the short-term construction <br />impacts, long-term regional air pollution increases, local operational impacts, and greenhouse gas <br />impacts. <br />Short-term dust and emission generation due to construction activities will be forecasted. Detailed <br />estimates of the potential construction activities including phasing and equipment will be utilized. A <br />JN 00-000300.10P • 2 • August 27, 2009 <br />