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to, the Clean Water, Clean Air, Federal Water Pollution Control, Solid Waste Disposal, Resource <br />Conservation Recovery and Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Acts, and <br />the California Environment Quality Act, and the rules, regulations, and ordinances of the city within which <br />the subject property is located, the California Department of Health Services, the Regional Water Quality <br />Control Board, the State Water Resources Control Board, the Environmental Protection Agency, and all <br />applicable federal, state, and local agencies and bureaus. City shall conduct its own investigation (due <br />diligence) to determine whether said real property complies with all applicable laws and governmental <br />regulations. Prior to Seller's conveyance of the property interest, City shall have the right to provide written <br />notice to Seller of any items disapproved and to cancel this Agreement, so long as construction has not <br />commenced upon said real property. <br />18. Indemnity. City shall indemnify, defend and hold the Seller harmless from and against any and all <br />claims, actions, suits, proceedings, loss, cost, damage, liability, deficiency, fine, penalty, punitive damage, or <br />expense (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees), resulting from, arising out of, or based upon any act <br />or omission of the City, its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors arising from the City's access to <br />or use of said real property, including without limitation the construction of improvements, the furnishing of <br />materials, or the performance of work upon said real property. This indemnity shall include, without <br />limitation, any damage, liability, fine, penalty, punitive damage, cost, or expense arising from or out of any <br />claim, action, suit or proceeding for property damage or personal injury (including sickness, disease, or death, <br />tangible or intangible property damage, compensation for lost wages, business income, profits or other <br />economic loss, damage to the natural resource or the environment, nuisance, pollution, contamination, leak, <br />spill, release, or other adverse effect on the environment) proximately caused in whole or in part by <br />negligence of City or by any act or omission for which City is liable as a result of its access to or use of said <br />subject property. This indemnity shall commence on the date this Agreement is accepted by City and shall <br />survive Seller's conveyance of property interest. <br />19. Contin ency. It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the completion of this <br />transaction is contingent upon the specific acceptance and approval of the City herein. The execution of <br />these documents and the delivery of same by City constitutes said acceptance and approval. <br />20. Modification and Amendment. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in writing <br />signed by the Seller and City. <br />21. Partial Invalidity. Any provision of this Agreement that is unenforceable or invalid or the conclusion <br />of which would adversely affect the validity, legality, or enforcement of this Agreement shall have no effect, <br />but all the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force. <br />22. Captions. Captions and headings in this Agreement, including the title of this Agreement, are for <br />convenience only and are not to be considered in construing this Agreement. <br />23. Governin Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of <br />the State of California. <br />24. No Reliance By One Party On The Other Each party has received independent legal advice from its <br />attorneys with respect to the divisibility of executing this Agreement and the meaning of the provisions hereof. <br />The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed as to their fair meaning, and not for or against any party <br />based upon any attribution to such party as the source of the language in question. <br />5 <br />