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JT PH CC -CRA Station District Phase I <br />June 7, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />Project Alternatives Considered in the EIR <br />The EIR evaluated six alternatives to the Transit Zoning Code and the Developer Project in EIR <br />Chapter 5 — Alternatives. These alternatives are briefly summarized below. Alternatives 1, 2, and <br />3 are primarily designed to address alternatives to the Transit Zoning Code as a whole. <br />Alternatives 4, 5, and 6 present alternatives specific to the proposed Developer Project. <br />Alternative 1 (No Project/No Development Alternative): Under this Alternative, the Transit Zoning <br />Code would not be adopted and the City's existing General Plan and zoning designations would <br />continue to guide future growth and development within the Transit Zoning Code project area. <br />Additionally, the proposed Developer Project would not go forward on the Agency -owned <br />properties. <br />Alternative 2 (Overall Reduced Density): This Alternative would reduce the intensity of all <br />anticipated land uses within the Transit Zoning Code area by 25 percent. In general, this <br />alternative would reduce the number of residences, including affordable housing, and reduce <br />employment opportunities as a result of less commercial uses in the area. <br />Alternative 3 (Low -Rise Alternative): This alternative is a low- to mid -rise version of the Transit <br />Zoning Code (SD 84A and SD 84B), which would limit building heights in the Downtown and <br />Transit Village Districts to four stories. <br />Alternative 4 (No Demolition of Agency Properties /Rehabilitate in Place): This alternative would <br />eliminate the demolition of structures on the fourteen Agency -owned parcels within the Station <br />District that are slated for demolition under the proposed Developer Project and instead require <br />that those properties be retained and rehabilitated in their current locations. Additionally, the <br />City /Agency would not acquire any of additional parcels within the Station District. Upon <br />completion of rehabilitation, the rehabilitated houses would be offered for -sale as low or moderate <br />income housing. The proposed Transit Zoning Code would remain the same under this Alternative. <br />Alternative 5 (No Demolition of Agency Properties /Relocate to Agency -Owned Infill <br />Sites /Rehabilitate in Place): This alternative would eliminate the demolition on the fourteen <br />Agency -owned parcels within the Station District that are slated for demolition under the proposed <br />Developer Project, with the exception of the property located at 611 N. Minter Street, which would <br />be demolished. The remaining properties would be rehabilitated in place or moved to vacant lots <br />and rehabilitated. <br />Alternative 6 (Rehabilitate 611 N. Minter Street in Place): This alternative would be identical to the <br />proposed Developer Project, with the exception that the bungalow court located at 611 N. Minter <br />