Laserfiche WebLink
EXHIBIT A <br /> The Contractor will have a "set" fee structure per inspection as it relates to the scope of <br /> services performed. These fees were determined by taking into consideration the <br /> following costs: woman/man labor hours, gas, insurance, automobile maintenance, auto <br /> depreciation, map book/navigation systems, office supplies, uniform costs and health <br /> benefits. <br /> Appraisal Fee Schedule: <br /> Single Family Home and Condominiums $245.00 <br /> Repaired value Appraisal-$200.00 <br /> Updated repaired value-$200.00 <br /> FHA Appraisal: $350.00 <br /> Homes or land over 10 acres: $1,000.00 <br /> Duplex 2 units $400.00 <br /> Triplex 3 units $400.00 <br /> Quad-4 units $400.00 <br /> Land Appraisal under 1 acre $350.00 <br /> Land Appraisal 1 acre-10 acres $450.00 <br /> Land appraisal 10-20 acres: $550.00 <br /> Land Appraisal over 20 acres: $1,000.00 <br /> Mass Appraisals $1500.00 <br /> Re-Inspections: 442 with photos $105.00 <br /> Rental Survey: $75.00 <br /> Operating Income Statement $75.00 <br /> Drive-by AppraisalsBxteriorviewmg $150.00 <br /> Desk Review: $125.00 <br /> Review Appraisal/Field Inspection: $175.00 <br /> Consulting per hour: $35.00 <br /> BPO (brokers price opinion no photo) $75.00 <br /> BPO with photo $100.00 <br /> HQS Inspection no photo $50.00 <br /> HQS Inspection with photo $100.00 <br /> Construction Inspection-Repair estimate $100.00 <br /> 203K Consulting Fees- Per project please call. <br /> G: Timeframes are as follows: Weekly updates on all projects will be emailed to project <br /> <br /> manager/supervisor if requested, Every job will be scheduled and/or inspected within 3 <br /> <br /> days after receiving order. <br /> ~~v~y <br /> <br />