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Y <br /> 5 <br /> <br /> ~ 4 <br /> RECQR]]t~1 RE~UETE~ BY <br /> rt'~~`~ S~UY~~~(~~~ CAL~FD~~Ni~, <br /> ~~~:r <br /> ill] !,1'T'fi{~,~~f~~Urt'1~~. ~'O1]Ip~111~ _ <br /> I~1~~N ~E~~~t~~~ 1~fAtL T~ <br /> ~~~T~E AL~~~~A E~]zS~~ CO~~'~ <br /> Real Fropertfes <br /> 213 ~~a~nut ~ov~ avenue, end foot <br /> Rosemead, ~ ~1~~~ <br /> ~t~n: ~ist~butio~ f <br /> TRH <br /> S~'A~E t~C~~~E THIS L~~~ FOR RECQRD~R'S USE <br /> ~ ono <br /> RA~CT ~F ~ <br /> ~SEII'X~~IT a ~ Ce~tra~ X529-389 ~-~~~7 <br /> . TD42~~~~ <br /> ~C~ CarnpanY ~t~ i ~A ~~~~ov <br /> s~~. ~ ~~r ~R a~ ~~~.~a~x~~~~ ~~a r~~a~ ~--2~ emu, p~n~~~s SLS/~B ~4~01 f 2~t ~ <br /> Z7'~ AT,A a l~unicial corporation ~herei~Ya~`ter referred to as "grantor"~, l~erel~y giants to <br /> S~T~T~~RN ~I.,~~~~ ~DIS~ OII~'A, a corpora~.on, its successors and assigns ~heYeinafter refereed <br /> t0 ~ ~tfc~#~~~e"~~ an easement and rtgh~ of way to construct, use, maf~ltafil, operate, alteY, add toa repair, replace, <br /> reconstruct, inspect and remove at any time and from time to tine underground electrical supply systems and <br /> ca~nmunfca~.on systems ~.ereina~ter referred to as "systems"~, consisting of wires, underground conduits, cables, <br /> vaults, mat~hoies, handho~es, and including above-ground enclasuYes, markers and concrete pads and other <br /> appurtenant f xtures and equipment necessary or used for distr~hutin electrfcal energy and for tzansn~itting <br /> inteltience by eiectrlcal ~'ieans, in, on, over, undex, across and along fiat certain read property in the County of <br /> grange, State a€ California, described as follows, <br /> LEAS DE~pTr~, SEE BH~~~T "A" ATTAC~E~ HE~T~ ADD NIA~E A PAST ~~~E~F. <br /> l~,egal descrip~on was parepared pursuant to Sec, 8734~c~ of the Business Professions bode. <br /> CYantor agrees for ~tsel, its successors and assigns, not to erect, place or maintain, nay to pe~~n~it the erection, <br /> placement or maintenance of <br /> any ~u~d~g, planter boxes, eardz ~il~ or stxuctures except ~valls and fences an <br /> the above described real property, The grantee, and its contractors, agents and e~rrpioyees, shall ha~re the Yight to <br /> tx,~n ar cut tree roots as may endanger or interfere with said sysfe~ns and shall have free access to said systems and ~ <br /> e~rery part thereof, at all Ames, for the purpose of exercis~g e rights herein granted; provided, however, that ~ <br /> making any excavation Qn said property of the ~ranto~r, the grantee shall make the same in such a manner as ~ <br /> cause the least injury to the surface of the ground around s~xch excavation, and shall replace the earth so removed ~ <br /> by it and restore the surface of tl~e ground to as near the same condition as it was prior to such excavation as is <br /> practicable ~ . <br /> i <br /> <br />