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certification, CPR/First Aid certifications, a completion certificate from ROP, etc. If <br />there is any question about whether or not a certificate counts for WIA credential <br />attainment, we will confirm with Santa Ana WIA staff. <br />5. How will continuous improvement be measured and conducted? <br />For participants who are determined to be Basic Skills Deficient, we will gage <br />improvement with the utilization of the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). The <br />TABE will be used as a pre and post test assessment to show literacy/numeracy gains. <br />The Peer Mentors will also gauge improvement by participant's competency during the <br />tutoring process. Furthermore, Peer Mentors will continually assess participant's <br />progress and success with individual and program goals. OCF will seek participant <br />feedback to assess program strengths and areas for improvement. Finally, Santa Ana <br />Work Center staff may review case notes, service provision, and data recording <br />periodically throughout the program year and may provide constructive feedback. <br />Adjustments will be made accordingly. A couple of examples of how we enhanced our <br />program are included below. <br />Last year, we created a FYLP database to improve our documentation and reporting <br />capabilities. The database allows us to track each client's information electronically <br />including My Action Plan (MAP), Performance Measures, Test Scores, Incentives, <br />Supportive Services, Exits, Follow-Ups, etc. From the database, we can print Enrollment <br />Forms, Case Notes, Incentives Logs, Supportive Services Logs, Performance Measures <br />Reports, Exit Forms, Follow-Up Forms, Test Scores Forms, MAPs, etc. Ultimately, the <br />database is a centralized filing system, which gives us easy and immediate access to <br />client information. It significantly helps with generating reports, tracking client progress, <br />and communication between the supervisor and case managers. <br />We also enhanced our Client Files, which are well organized in three-ring binders and <br />include tabs for easy access to each section (I.e. Eligibility, Pre-Application, Right to <br />Work Documents, Application/Enrollment Registration, Test Scores, My Action Plan, <br />Case Notes, Supportive Services, Incentives, Exit, and Follow-Up). Client File <br />Checklists are included in each section, which show a one page summary of each <br />section's contents. The supervisor will use these checklists to monitor client files, ensure <br />all paperwork is accounted for and complete and case managers are keeping up with all <br />assigned tasks. We hope the binders, tabs, and checklists will also be helpful to City and <br />State Monitors. The City of Santa Ana WIA staff requested copies of our Client File <br />Checklists to potentially use in their trainings for other youth program operators. <br />6. Describe how adequate staffing will be maintained to ensure success of this program. <br />The Foster Youth Liaison Project (FYLP) will staff 4 part-time (.45 FTE) Peer Mentors. <br />The Peer Mentors will be currently enrolled in college level studies with a focus on <br />human services and/or related fields or recent graduates. The Peer Mentors are also <br />young adults who have emancipated from the foster care system and have successfully <br />provided peer mentoring services through other Orangewood Children's Foundation <br />programs. The use of part-time staff is critical to this project. <br />FYLP will provide a 6:1 participant to case manager (Peer Mentor) ratio as well as <br />provide the Peer Mentors with valuable work experience and training. The Peer Mentors <br />will each be available in the ORC 18 hours per week. Regular announced schedules will <br />make it easy for participants to know when they can visit with their assigned Peer Mentor <br />EXHIBIT A <br />OCF/Poster Youth Liaison Project 6