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Exhibit A- SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />PROGRAM <br />1) Consultant will teach Baby -Sitting Prep: CPR First Aid atthe Santiago Park Lawn <br />Bowling Center. The class will cover basic of CPR for adult, child and infant, relief of <br />choking, and pediatric fust aid, <br />2) The classes will be held on Saturday, 8:30 a.m.— 3:40 p.m., and Sunday, Sunday, 8:30 <br />am, —3:40pm, <br />3) Consultant will provide and be responsible for equipment, records, personnel and clean <br />up of the facilities and materials necessary to ensure the safety and effectiveness of said <br />instruction <br />4) If Consultant allows others to teach hislher class, those teachers must be over 21, have <br />obtained and maintain an instructor rating, and be covered by Consultants' insurance. <br />Consultant shall provide City with documentation to verify instructor and insurance <br />requirements, <br />CLASS SIZE <br />1) Each class must have a minimum of 10 paid students and no more than a maximum of <br />99. <br />2) In the event the minimum number of enrollees is not realized, the class shall be <br />canceled. Consultant will be under no obligation to provide services and the City will <br />haven obligations to pay Consultant compensation <br />CLASS FEES <br />1) Each participant shall pay a $39,00 class registration fee per session. Anticipated <br />revenue from fhis class is $5,300.00. Additional fees for workbooks and other training <br />materials are purchased through the insfmctor, <br />2) No refunds will be made to participants unless the class is cancelled by the City. <br />3) The City shell collect registration fees from each participant during the registration <br />period. Consultant shall not collect fees, but shall refer all interested participant toCity <br />for registration. <br />4) Consultant shall retain seventy per cent (70%) of thetotal fees collected each month <br />City and Consultant agree that City shall receive thirty per cent (30%) of the fees <br />collected as anadmwstration fee. <br />5) Consultant agrees that City is entitled to audit Consultant's records and classes to <br />insure compliance with this Agreement <br />6) Consultant may notwalve class participationlregistradon fcm City shall prepare class <br />rosters and provide a copy to Consultant, Only regsleredparticipants may participate in <br />class. <br />